Volume I: XLIX*

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Ominis turned the knob to the front door and barely opened it. He pulled the handle back toward him abruptly while he turned around to face me.

His cheeks were red, and he appeared flustered. "I don't believe Sebastian is alone in the cottage." Ominis bit his nails out of frustration. He took my hand and walked me closer to Hogsmeade.

"Stay here. I'll take care of this," he motioned for me to stay put and walked back toward our home.

A few moments passed. I contemplated what was going to happen when we visited the Gaunts' estate. His father was dead, but his brothers still tormented him. He didn't talk about his mother enough for me to gauge her demeanor. I thought about meeting them and immediately conjuring ancient magic to—

My thought was cut off when I saw Ominis' silhouette appear. "Come on. Let's go." He gestured with his hand for me to climb up the stone staircase.

Imelda was standing outside. Her riding glove was missing, and her sweater was on backwards. I looked away from her as I entered the cottage.

Right when we entered, Sebastian stomped down the stairs. "Ominis, why is it that any time I want to indulge myself, you ruin it? Meanwhile, last night, I had to suffer through hearing you two."

"Sebastian..." Ominis pleaded.

"You know what. I'll take you up on that offer from before. At least a brothel has less rules than this house does." Sebastian hit Ominis with his shoulder before slamming the door behind him.

For once, I comforted Ominis. My voice was gentle as I said, "It's alright. Why don't we go stay in the Room of Requirement tonight? We can conjure another cottage beside this one tomorrow."

Ominis nodded. He opened the door for me to see Imelda still standing there. She was shivering as the colder air took over for the night.

Ominis sensed her presence. He scoffed, "You might as well go. He isn't coming back. And to be honest, you're wasting your time with him." He turned his face away from her and grabbed my hand. We took our Floo powder and made our way to the Room.

Once inside, I told Ominis I needed to speak with Deek.

I walked over the corridor where we normally enter from Hogwarts castle and knelt down.

"Deek, I need a favor. I hadn't had time to set anything up for us to stay here. Could you possibly relocate the beasts from the Oceanside Vivarium to some of the other spaces?"

"Done." Deek snapped his fingers together and gestured for me to go see for myself. I grabbed Ominis' hand and led him into our Vivarium.

Ominis stepped through behind me, and the beach came into view. Deek must have altered the time, since the sun was perpetually setting. Trees towered over the shoreline and there was a small fire in the middle. Torches lined the area. I could see through the crescent rock that there were more braziers and a large tent for us to sleep in.

Ominis squeezed my hand in his. I began slipping my shoes and cloak off. I waved my wand to conjure a bathing suit. Ominis chose a white button down and black shorts.

No one could find us here. No matter where we were to live or spend our days, this was our home.

"Come on!" I grabbed Ominis' hand and tugged him toward the water. He hesitated slightly. "It's alright. I can control the height of the waves and the speed of the current." I divulged.

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