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The Gaunt Manor
December 1895

My fingers were clasping the last part of the onesie together when a faint tapping sounded from the door. I sighed. She had just been fed and changed. What else could someone want from me?

"It's just me." Ominis' voice seemed muffled through the door.

I felt safe when I exhaled. Thank Merlin it was just him.

I gathered Lailah in my arms and carefully opened the door. "Here," he gestured with his arms, "I'll take her."

As soon as I set her in his grasp, a smile formed on his lips, and his cheeks rose into his temples. He cuddled her up against his chest and began bouncing out of habit. The movement soothed her.

"I apologize for Xilia. Marat isn't sure of her intentions, and I'm wary myself." I watched as his jaw pulsed while his brows drew together, and he looked particularly frustrated.

"Honestly, I felt I acted too protective. Maybe we should let Xilia hold her. At least once. Even though she is a heinous woman, she's still family. Or something like that." I wrapped my fingers around Ominis' bicep and squeezed lightly to comfort him. He turned into my arm, and my hand grazed across his back.

"That's your decision. Not mine."

He leaned into my shoulder and lingered for a moment. His lips were hot against my skin when he kissed my neck. The party bustled below as we descended down the stairs.

We hadn't even made it fully into the foyer before Xilia greeted us at the bottom of the staircase. Ominis stood up straighter and shielded his arms around Lailah.

Xilia's voice had rang softer than normal, and the muscles in her face relaxed for once. "Ominis. I know I may have not been the best mother in your youth, but I would love to meet my granddaughter."

He didn't move a centimeter. She looked toward me for support. I hadn't understood her motive, but as a mother, I knew she meant what she said.

"Ominis." I remarked in a scolding manner.

I scooped her up in my arms and nodded at Xilia to prepare for an embrace.

She had been correct. Even with her cold, tense appearance, she did have some motherly tendencies buried deep within her.

Her hands gripped Lailah like she were made of glass. Dainty and breakable. She kicked her shoes off and carefully knelt down to sit on the last step of the stairs with my little girl on her lap.

Her fingers gently caressed Lailah's hair, and my baby wrapped her tiny hands around Xilia's forefinger.

Xilia looked up at me and Ominis. Her eyes were wider than I had ever seen; she almost appeared innocent in this moment, like a boggart about to be transformed.

She chewed her bottom lip before asking, "Does she have a name?"

Ominis scoffed at her attempt to fill her familial role, but I took a seat next to her.

"Lailah." I spoke. "After Mercurio's sister, Noctua." The lump in my throat disappeared when I swallowed, and Xilia's eyes began watering.

She held Lailah close to her, and I hadn't been sure how to comfort her. I ran my palm lightly across the middle of her back. "There, there."

I had to relax in her presence, so my scales covering my hand wouldn't slice her skin. I also truly did not want her to begin wailing for any reason. Lailah would surely have a fit and start crying herself.

"Thank you for letting me hold her. She is darling." Xilia spoke in my direction as she folded her arms around Lailah's back and tucked her chin into my baby's neck rolls.

I hadn't said anything in return. My head mechanically nodded up and down, and I extended my arms toward her to take my little girl back.

Xilia set her gently into my arms and gave a small smile. I had never had such a confusing relationship with someone.

"Well, if I am to have a fifth grandchild, then perhaps I should truly embrace the role at this point, you know?" She sounded crazed when she stood up to rejoin the party, and I looked up to Ominis.

I kept my tone light-hearted. "Do you have any clue as to why she thinks we're going to immediately try for another?"

"She doesn't think. She knows. And it's not us." His voice broke off after each sentence as if he was pondering something important.

"I'll be right back, sweetheart." He leaned in and kissed my cheek, but the emotion he normally held was absent.

I wished he could see the offended look I wore on my face, but that would be a fight for another time.

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