Wanderers Of Old (Part 2)

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875 A.D

As the pack of wolves surrounded Garin, he was filled with a sense of dread and fear, knowing fully well that these animals were hungry and they were not going to be easy to get away from. Garin was unarmed and outnumbered and the only weapon he could find was a large stick of firewood. He picked up the log and spun around several times, trying to spot each wolf from every angle that they were coming.

Garin counted seven wolves and they were all growling at him, snarling with their extremely long fangs, preparing to attack and claim their meal.

“You dogs want a piece of me?” Garin asked aggressively, swinging his log around, “Well, come and get it,” he taunted the wolves.

Three of the seven wolves launched a simultaneous attack from different angles as they dashed at him to rip him apart. Two pounced toward him but he rolled out of the way and they collided with each other in mid-air. The third wolf attacked Garin who was crouched on the ground but he swung at it with the log and knocked it away from him. The other wolves charged in as well and as they came, Garin fought them off one after the other, swinging his log with one hand and punching with the other. Garin was doing well, succeeding to keep them at bay but it didn’t take long before the number’s game caught up with him. While he was swinging at the wolves, one of them came up from behind him and bit down on his foot, wrapping its tight jaws around Garin’s left ankle.

Garin roared in pain and struck the wolf on the head, forcing it to relinquish its bitten grip. This left Garin open and vulnerable and the other wolves jumped on him. While two of them tried to munch on Garin’s face, the others were biting him all over the rest of his body. They were biting, ripping and tearing through his flesh but he held on to the faces of the two that were trying to go for his face and neck, knowing that they were the ones attempting to land the killer bite.

It seemed like he wasn’t going to make it out of this attack with his life and from out of nowhere, a large rock landed on the head of one of the wolves, followed by a loud whistle.

The sound of the whistle caught the attention of the wolves and made them turn toward the direction from which the sound came.

“Get away from my husband,”

Hannah yelled from a few yards away with two throwing knives in her hands. She dashed at the wolves and threw a couple of knives at them which landed and killed three wolves instantly. The others turned their attention away from Garin and ran after Hannah. One of them jumped at her but she rolled underneath it and threw a knife to its underside and killed it as well.

The remaining three wolves were too close for Hannah to throw her knives at them, so she began to run away and they pursued her. They were right behind her and she skillfully ran up a tree, did a backflip against the trunk and threw two more knives, striking two of the wolves directly in the head and killing them.

Now, only one wolf was left alive and it was moving in front of Hannah, sizing her up, and preparing to attack. Hannah had only one knife left on her so she decided not to throw it since it was the only one left. She hung on to it and stared at the wolf just as it did her.

“Come on! Come and get me,” she said silently, waiting for the wolf to come at her.

The wolf snarled aggressively, scratching the ground with one paw while staring at Hannah with menace in its eyes. It launched a final attack and as it ran at Hannah, she waited patiently, tactically watching it as it came and when it got close and pounced at her, she swerved aside, caught the wolf in mid-air and slammed it to the ground. Before it could try to get back up, Hannah ran her knife into the side of its neck but the wolf was still fighting to survive. She stabbed its neck several times, getting splashed and covered in its blood until the animal finally stopped moving.

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