Frozen Tundra And Hell's Fire

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Fawn had found a special spot in Heaven where she sat and contemplated all that God had told her and the others about the truth of his existence and the existence of another being equally powerful to him.

She was sitting on the edge of one of the many floating mountains which had a clear view of Heaven's Palace and the sight was beyond beautiful.

The truth was a difficult pill to swallow for Fawn, not because she felt betrayed or tricked or anything like that; but because for the first time in her long existence, she felt less-than and vulnerable.

Angels had always been the most powerful beings after God and they had always known it. It took a team of at least two demons to actually stand a chance against a powerful angel, so demons have never really scared angels so much. But, these new beings created by mixing both entities and adding a power equal to God's in the mix scared Fawn.

What if they choose to attack Heaven? How will the angels fare against them? How many of them would die before they could take down one Nephalem? Fawn was worried about it and so were the others.

"We've been looking all over for you," Cher said from behind Fawn.

She turned around and saw her and Norae standing behind her. They came to check on how she was doing after they all found out the truth.

"I needed to find somewhere to think," Fawn replied.

"Good choice," Norae said as she overlooked all of Heaven.

"Are you worried about what this means?" Cher asked her.

"I am! Norae and I battled against that creature and the only reason we didn't lose was because she wasn't trying to kill us," Fawn said.

"That's true," Norae concurred, "She was only trying to stall so Hannah and her demon husband could escape but, she could have easily defeated us."

"If there's more of them and this Summum chooses to attack, we might lose everything," Fawn said again.

The future was not certain but the possibilities were endless. One thing that was certain about those infinite possibilities was the fact that war was coming and many Celestials would die. Whether the kingdom of Heaven would win remained to be seen but the fight would mean chaos for all of creation.

For now, it was calm but soon, the storm would begin and there was every chance that it would go on for thousands of years. Fawn was worried...and she was right to be!


It had been several hours of walking through the deep snow and yet, Hannah and Garin were still trapped in the tundra, unaware of where they were and clueless about where they were going, how to get out of there or get their powers working again.

The soft winds that were blowing before were no longer soft; they were howling with ferocity now and the snow was raining down with the storm. Hannah and Garin were freezing in the inhospitable weather but they couldn't stop. They had to keep going. They had to find somewhere they could be safe and wait out the storm; a cave or a clearing or something, but so far, it was just an endless road of ice and snow.

They had their arms wrapped around each other, giving each other whatever little warmth their bodies had left but it was barely enough. Garin was looking around the tundra, trying to spot a place for them to stop but there was nothing in sight.

"Keep moving, Hannah. We can't stop now or we'll surely freeze to death. We have to keep moving."

Normally, an angel and a demon would be fine in such a frozen wasteland and wouldn't even feel the cold but because they didn't have their powers at the moment, they were more or less as human as they could be and were now vulnerable to the freezing weather.

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