Cosmic Power

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Isabelle moaned with pleasure as Josh broke into her. She clenched her fist around the bed sheets and closed her eyes as he settled inside her. Her dark eyes remained dark as Summum’s power rose within the two of them. They were now at the point of no return, performing the act that would birth the last Nephalem and begin the revolution.

“Take me, Josh. Don’t stop,” Isabelle moaned, willing him to go further, deeper, harder and faster.

Josh drove himself into her and back out again, never slowing down the rhythm of his lovemaking. As he lay on her, he raised his head so he could look into her eyes and when he did, they were normal and they were so inviting. Josh kissed her lips, fondling her tongue with his while moving his hips. They both groaned and moaned, enjoying the feel of their bodies, basking in the heat emanating from them and loving every single piece of the moment they were sharing.
Just outside the house, the winds were blowing strongly and howling loudly because of them but they had no idea.

What they were doing was causing a shift in the atmosphere, a phenomenal cosmic shift that was affecting all of nature as Josh’s seeds threatened to be released, siring the final soldier of a Celestial war.

Isabelle rolled him over and sat on top of him. She fashioned his arousal back into her and rode him like she would a wild stallion; ferociously and intently. With every stroke he shoved within her, with every motion and every gasp that escaped their sweaty lips, flashes of lightning streaked in the sky but there was no thunder. Josh’s moans began to grow louder with each passing second. He was on the edge of reaching full sexual satisfaction, about to explode within Isabelle.

He could feel it coming, she could feel it coming, Summum could feel it coming, Verum could feel it coming, the entire world could feel it about to happen and just before it did, Hannah grabbed Isabelle off of Josh and slammed her into the floor of the bedroom. Garin also grabbed a hold of Josh and pinned him down on the bed.

“Garin, what’s going on here? What the hell do you think you’re doing?” Josh asked him as he struggled to free himself.

“Just relax, Josh. We’re doing this for your own good and the good of the world,” Garin replied.

Selene entered the room and she first ran over to Isabelle on the floor and pulled out the potion from within her dress.

“What is that? What is she doing?” Isabelle asked in fear after seeing the strange woman hovering over her.

“She’s here to help, Isabelle. Just calm down,” Hannah told her.

Isabelle began to struggle with the angel, trying to escape her hold. She wasn’t strong enough to but Hannah found it rather difficult to restrain her despite her strength. Something was fuelling Isabelle’s strength and she was starting to break free from Hannah’s hold.

“Quickly, Shaman,” Hannah yelled.

Selene poured some of the potion out of the cup and into Isabelle’s mouth and as soon as he tongue felt the liquid, she roared like a monster from hell and her eyes became blacker than the night's sky.

Selene went over to the bed and wanted to pour the potion into Josh’s mouth as well but his eyes became black and he refused to open his mouth.

“You have to get his mouth open,” Selene told Garin.

“Sorry about this buddy,” Garin said to Josh before punching him in the face several times to get him to open his mouth.

Garin stuck a few fingers into Josh’s mouth and pried his jaws open with them. Selene saw the space and poured the potion into his open mouth and just like Isabelle, he began to roar and his eyes became even darker.

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