Shots Fired

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Josh drove straight from Jennifer’s apartment to Isabelle’s and when he got there, she wasn’t home yet so he decided to call her. He took his phone and dialled her cell and after a few seconds of ringing, she finally picked up.

“Hello, Iz. I just got here but you’re not in. Where are you?” He asked.

“I’m already on my way. I finished up a little late at work but I’ll be there soon. Just help yourself in and get started for me, okay?” She asked.

“Alright, I’ll start,” Josh said.

“That’s great,” Isabelle said and hung up her phone.

Just as she took her eyes off the road for a second to hang up the phone which was attached to a holder on the dashboard, a shadowy figure appeared in the middle of the road and just stood in the path of her car. Isabelle looked up and saw the shadow and that frightened her so much that she immediately stepped on the brakes to avoid crashing into it. She had stopped so abruptly that she tilted forward but thankfully, she had her seatbelt on which prevented her from slamming into the steering wheel.

“Miss, are you okay?” A passerby asked by the street.

“I’m uh, fine. I’m fine, thank you. I just—I thought I ran a red light,” she lied.

Isabelle cleared her throat and rubbed her eyes. First, that weird dream at the office and now, she was seeing a shadow on the road; it couldn’t be a coincidence. Isabelle knew that this had something to do with Summum. She could tell that she was taunting her and that she was still after her and Garin for the reasons that Cleo had mentioned. With Cleo, Hannah and Garin off on a mission in Salem and with the demon Sader taken to hell, there was no one around to protect them from Summum and that was one of the reasons she decided to live with Josh. That way, they could look out for each other until help arrived.

Meanwhile, Josh was now inside Isabelle’s apartment and was taking some of her luggage from the house and into his car. Everything had been packed up and folded nicely by Isabelle and Gwen the previous day so it was easy for Josh to begin moving them. They had also made arrangements to put some of her furniture in a storage unit until further notice and move only the personal essentials.

As Josh took one of her bags to his car, he ran into a man who was staring at him and wondering what was going on. The man seemed very familiar to Josh which made him approach him.

“We know each other, don’t we?” Josh said to him.

“Yeah, we do. You’re Josh, right? Isabelle’s ex?” The man asked.

“And you’re Neo, right? The old friend,” Josh asked.

“That’s right,” Neo replied.

“Isabelle and I actually got back together and we’ve decided to move in together,” Josh said proudly, almost like he was trying to rub it in.

“Really? I didn’t know that,” Neo said with surprise.

“Yeah…so what brings you here, Neo?” Josh asked.

“Oh, I just stopped to say hi to Isabelle. I was out of town for a few months because of work and now, I’m back in L.A for a few days and I wanted to see her and catch up, you know?” Neo said.

“Sure, sure, but you see the thing is that she isn’t here right now but don’t worry, I’ll make sure to tell her that you stopped by,” Josh said condescendingly.

Neo could feel that passive-aggressive energy coming off from Josh’s tone and he took it as his cue to leave.

“Alright, Man. I guess I should get going then,” Neo said and walked away from the building.

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