Wanderers Of Old

4 1 0

875 A.D


Hannah was at the bank of a clean river filling her pouch up with some water. She was dressed in tight black leather and was wearing her dark hair in a braid. After filling the pouch with water, she strapped it to her belt and began walking away so she could head back to the campsite. After moving a few yards, Hannah heard a scream come from the other side of the valley. It was a scream for help and it sounded like a woman.

On the other side not too far away from where Hannah were two young women were running away from three pursuers, screaming for help and trying to get away from them. They reached the edge of the river and there was nowhere else to go so they stopped. Their pursuers caught up to them and surrounded them from all sides, taunting them and laughing as they did.

“What do you want from us?” The older of the young women asked.

She was likely in her late teens, at around seventeen years old and was standing in front of her younger sister who was about twelve years old. She had her sister behind her and they were both scared of the people who had them at their mercy now.

The three pursuers were a band of two grown bearded men and a bald woman. They were armed with knives and daggers because they were bandits who hung around in the valley waiting for people who would pass by so they could rob them. These two unsuspecting girls were unfortunately their next victims. Judging by the girls’ clothing and appearance, it didn’t seem like they had gold or anything of worth on them so if the bandits couldn’t get that, then they were sure to try to get something else.

“We want everything you’ve got so I suggest you two empty your pockets before things get nasty,” One of the men threatened with his knife.

“We don’t have anything you’d want. We only have some fruit and some water. You can have it,” The teenager said and threw the food and water at the bandits’ feet, “Just let us go,” she asked.

“Oh, we’ll let you go…when we’re good and ready,” the second man said while licking his lips.

“It’s been a while since I felt the warmness of a pretty damsel such as yourself,” The bald woman said and had her gaze fixed on the younger girl, “The little one will do nicely,” she stepped closer.

“Stay away from her!” The teenager yelled and pulled out a small knife from her pocket.

“Hahaha! Well, what do we have here? A little hero who thinks she can fight, huh? I’m going to enjoy you,” The first man said before striding over to them.

The teenager slashed her knife at him but he easily grabbed her arm and punched her in the face, causing her to fall to the ground.

“Layla!” The younger girl screamed for her sister just as the female bandit grabbed her, “Let me go,” She screamed and struggled with the woman but to no avail.

The man got on top of the girl, took the knife from her and held it to her neck. He smiled at her manically, exposing his disgusting teeth as he trailed the knife from her neck to her chest area, right between her bosoms.

“Let’s see what goodies you have underneath these clothes, shall we?” He said.

From out of nowhere, a knife flew through the air and landed into the side of the bandit's head and he dropped dead instantly. He fell off the girl and she rolled away from him and looked up. The remaining two bandits looked up as well and saw Hannah standing a few yards away with another knife in her hand.

“Let the girls go and you both might end up being luckier than you’re dead friend over there,” Hannah threatened them.

“You bloody cunt! You killed my brother and now, I’m going to kill you,” The second man screamed and charged at Hannah with his knife.

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