The End

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“Take a seat and let’s talk."

Jennifer slowly walked over to her messed-up couch and took a seat, all the while without tearing her gaze away from the strange woman.

“I can’t talk business with someone if I don’t know their name, now can I?” Jennifer asked, less afraid and more confident.

She could tell that whoever this woman was, she wasn’t here to hurt her. She needed something from her which meant that she was valuable and if she was valuable, she surely wouldn’t be hurt.

“Don’t flatter yourself, Jennifer. You’re my first choice but it doesn’t mean that you’re my only choice so I would advise you to maintain your fear of me,” The woman told her after reading her mind.

She walked over to the table in front of the couch and sat on it, facing Jennifer.

“My name is Summum, but you can call me Sue,” she said.

“What are you?” Jennifer asked.

“I am a God, and not one of those pagan monkeys that humans all worship…I am a real God, equal in many ways with the one who made the world,” Summum said.

“If you’re truly a God, then what could I possibly do for you that you can’t do for yourself?" Jennifer asked again.

“I’m about to go to war with my brother, to take his place on the throne of Heaven but I’m short one soldier and I cannot attack without completing my regiment,” Summum said.

“What difference does one soldier make?”

“Oh, it makes all the difference. It has to be exact. The candidate that was to complete my army was…let’s just say it didn’t quite work out,”

“And now you want me to be that last soldier?” Jennifer asked with a raised brow.

Bingo! Accept the power of a Nephalem, complete my army, join me to defeat Heaven and its angels and I will give you what you want; I will give you the human and he’ll be all yours,” Summum offered.

Jennifer couldn’t wrap her head around what was happening. She was being offered the only thing that she wants but the cost didn’t feel like one that she was willing to pay. She struggled to decide what to do and Summum could feel her doubt and hesitation.

“What’s this? Is this uncertainty I sense in you?” The Supreme asked.

“I’m just not sure about…”

“Not sure about what? I’m offering you ultimate power; power greater than that of an angel and a demon combined. I’m offering you status because you will surely be treated like royalty after the world is mine. I’m offering you the man you want on a silver platter and you’re not sure?”

“But, why me? Why choose me?” Jennifer wondered.

“What do you want to hear me say? That you’re special? Look child, it doesn’t matter why I’m choosing you. All that matters is that I am choosing you,” Summum gave Jennifer her hand.

“All you have to do is take my hand and it will all be yours,”

Jennifer slowly reached out her hand and just as she was about to take Summum’s hand, the Supreme heard a whisper; a whisper of her name coming from Verum. He was calling out to her, inviting her to heaven for a discourse.

“Hold that thought, child,” Summum said and pulled her hand away just before Jennifer could touch it, “I’ll be right back.”

With that, Summum disappeared from Jennifer’s apartment, leaving her to wonder what had happened.

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