Ride The Storm

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A car pulled up just outside the Thai restaurant and Josh and Isabelle stepped out of it. They held each other's hands and went inside, unaware that a few pair of eyes were watching them from afar, and one of those pairs were the eyes of Jennifer.

Jennifer stood by the entrance and peeped into the restaurant so she could get a view of where Josh and Isabelle were seated at. After she got a fix on the table that they had taken, she looked around and made sure no one could see what she was doing.

She took a blue wig out of her purse and wore it on her head. She also took out some sunglasses and put them on as well before going into the restaurant, walking past Josh and Isabelle, who didn't recognize her and heading straight for the bathroom where she would wait until Isabelle would come in eventually.

Outside the restaurant, the other pair of eyes were still watching the restaurant and planning to go in to do something to Josh and Isabelle.

"We can't let this happen! It's going to ruin the entire plan," One of the watchers said.

"You can take off. I'll handle this and make sure everything remains smooth sailing," The other watcher replied.

"Are you sure you won't need any help?"

"She's just a human. I can handle it no problem."





Jennifer had unloaded the entire clip into the stall of the restroom and had a psychotic smile on her face because she had finally accomplished her mission of getting rid of Isabelle.

She put the gun back in her coat and slowly moved closer to the door of the stall.

"I got you now, Bitch!"

She pushed the door open and her jaw dropped in shock when she saw that Isabelle wasn't in there. There wasn't a dead body or a body at all; it was like she had just vanished into thin air.

"What the hell!" Jennifer exclaimed.

She looked around the stalls to try to make sense of it. Did Isabelle know she was there and snuck underneath the space at the bottom of the walls to enter a different stall? Jennifer wondered.

She checked but discovered that she wasn't in there at all. The door of the restroom was shut and was never opened, there wasn't any emergency window around so, how did Isabelle get out? That was the question that Jennifer just couldn't answer.

She decided to cut her losses and get out of the restaurant before somebody comes in and sees the set of bullet holes in the door. She grabbed her purse and as she tried to walk toward the door, she couldn't.

She was frozen in place and it was like her feet were glued to the floor. Jennifer struggled to regain control of her motion but it was useless; there was nothing she could do. A power was holding her and she knew it was a Celestial power that she wasn't equipped to deal with by herself.

"Whoever you are; let go of me," Jennifer grunted out, but no one answered back.

Meanwhile, Isabelle found herself at the back of a building and she had no idea or recollection of how she got there. She looked around her and noticed that the building was the Thai restaurant that she was just in a few seconds ago and somehow, she had disappeared out of it and ended up in the back.

"Hello, who's out there?" Isabelle called out, aware that something or in this case, someone had brought her here and they were still around and had their eyes on her.

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