Unwanted Room Service

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As the three Nephalems fought against their enemies, the intensity of the battle threatened to destroy the highest tower in Salem’s Hearth. The fight became separated into parts with one person squaring off against another in the wide and spacious hall. Hannah faced off against Jintu and her double-sided spear, Garin got tangled up with the archer, Manilo, and Cleo went head-to-head with Reah.

“I’ve never fought a demon before, but I’ve heard that they’re quite slow. Let’s test that theory, shall we?” Manilo said to Garin.

She moved so quickly that Garin could barely see her hands as she grabbed several arrows from her pouch and fired them at him. Garin moved pretty quickly as well and was dodging and deflecting the arrows she was firing at him while moving closer to her so he could close the gap between them and even the playing field a little bit by maximizing their proximity. He was fast but not fast enough to deflect or dodge every arrow because one of them got him directly in the shoulder.

Garin grunted in pain when the arrow hit and it was certainly the most pain he had ever experienced from such a small wound. He pulled out the arrow and kept closing the distance. Manilo kept firing but when she saw that he was about to reach her, she stopped collecting arrows and used her bow as a shield to block his swing of the sword.

“My turn,” Garin said to her and punched her in the stomach with his other free hand.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the hall, Hannah wasn’t doing so well against Jintu. The angel was finding it difficult to keep up with the Nephalem’s attacks because she was moving too fast and was attacking from above and below with her double-sided spear blade.

Jintu swung her weapon at Hannah, causing the angel to duck underneath it but this left her open for other forms of offence. Jintu jumped in front of Hannah and kicked her with both feet while spinning in midair. Hannah was blasted back into a wall with so much force that it cracked. The angel looked at her opponent who was now hovering in the air.

Jintu threw her spear at Hannah’s head but she tilted slightly to her left and the blade missed her face by inches and stabbed into the wall.

“Had enough yet?” Jintu asked and called her spear out of the wall and back into her hand.

“I’ve barely even started,” Hannah responded and released her powerful wings.

She jumped into the air and attacked again, drawing her sword against Jintu’s as both blades clashed against each other with fire and rage.

While Hannah and Garin were fighting for their lives against opponents that were arguably stronger than they were, Cleo and Reah hadn’t begun their fight yet. They were still sizing each other up and getting some pent-up grievances off their chest first. They had some history between both of them that was a lot more personal than just torn allegiances.

“We’ve never had to fight, Kileppa, but it was super easy for me when I killed both my pairs and became a sole warrior. I could take you with my eyes closed but I don’t want this to get messy for you. Believe it or not, I still care for you and I’m imploring you not to fight me and just accept your fate,” Reah said.

“What fate? That I’m forever bound to a maker that doesn’t even care about me? Is that what I should accept?” Cleo raised her voice and her sword as well.

“This is why we were made, Kileppa. This is the entire reason for our existence. A privilege that you and our sisters threw away,” she scraped her dual swords together to create a little spark.

“That’s all bullshit, Reah,” Cleo nodded her head at the insanity, “You’re just a blind and loyal servant without a mind of your own. I can’t believe I ever loved you,” Cleo said.

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