Seat Of Power

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Hannah appeared inside the copy room which was dark so she used her power to switch on the light bulb. The room was brighter now and Hannah was able to look around for anything out of the ordinary so she could have some idea about who or what attacked Isabelle.

She heightened the sense of her eyesight and scanned the room, looking for any traces or remnants of a Celestial or a Supreme so she could figure it out but she couldn’t find anything.

Hannah decided to leave but just as she was about to, she heard something flutter just ahead of her, in the corner of the room and she walked over and bent down to inspect what it was. Just as she suspected, it was a remnant of a Celestial. It was like a sprinkle of dark fog that had settled down at the bottom of the floor and Hannah reached out and touched it.

As her hand made contact with the fog, it stung her sharply and as she felt the pain, she recognized it. It was the same pain that she felt when she was cut by the Nephalem’s weapon back in Salem. It was exactly the same and now, Hannah knew for certain that Isabelle had been attacked by a Nephalem. She stood upright and began to trace the energy back to its source by teleporting towards it and using the remnant as a compass.

Hannah appeared right outside Clinton Corp and she looked around for the Nephalem, scanning people that were walking by, trying to see if she could spot the odd woman out. Hannah knew the Nephalems could cloak themselves and hide their location but because she had a bit of her remnant, she could narrow it down. The angel searched until she saw a woman in the distance walking away. She could tell that there was something off about the woman and to confirm her suspicions, the woman turned around and looked Hannah directly in the eye with a smile on her face.

“I know you,” Hannah whispered to herself.

The woman turned around and disappeared when she turned a corner. Hannah was determined not to let her get away so she gave chase but when she turned the corner as well, the woman was gone.

“Damn it,” Hannah cursed out, annoyed that her target slipped away from her.




Garin had gone to every single Shaman’s place that he could find all over the state of L.A but he was either turned away by them because he was a creature of darkness and they wanted nothing to do with him OR they were just con artists and scams that didn’t know anything about the supernatural world. He knew that the only person that could know anything about exorcizing a Nephalemic force out of an affected human being would have to be a legit shaman.

For centuries, the existence of Nephalems was all but an unknown myth by humans, demons and angels but they had existed for all of those centuries, living in secret on Earth and carrying out Summum’s will. Surely, a shaman must have had a run-in with one and must have learned about them. This was Garin’s theory but so far, it was proving to be false.

He found one last shaman’s place and for the sake of Isabelle and Josh, he hoped that this would surely be the one he needed. After arriving at Harvard Park, he approached the shop but when he got to the door, he noticed that it was closed for the night. Garin could tell that someone was inside, most likely the shaman, so he felt inclined to go in and ask for help but he didn’t want to teleport in uninvited and scare the shaman. He decided to knock instead and plead for help.

“We’re closed,” An elderly female voice peered out from the speaker beside the door.

“I know you’re closed but I desperately need your help. Please, it’s a matter of life and death,” Garin begged through the telecom.

“Fine,” the woman sighed, “The door’s open. Come on in,”

Garin heard the doors electronically click open and he turned the handle and pushed it in. As he took a step to walk in, he was blocked by an invisible force that wouldn’t let him pass through. Garin knew what this power was and he knew now that convincing the shaman was going to be more difficult.

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