Supreme Face-off

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"I think we have to test this out, just to be sure," Josh said.

"I am sure, Josh. Your assistant can see me even though I'm cloaked," Garin said.

Josh didn't listen to what the demon was saying. He grabbed his office phone and called Karen's desk and asked her to see him in his office.

Karen got off the phone and walked over and into Josh's office, wondering why he called her up.

"Yes, Sir. What can I do for you?" She asked.

"Yes, Karen. I just wanted to know if we've received any orders from China recently. It's been a while since our customers over there bought our brand," he said.

"I'm sorry, Sir, but that's not the department I work with so I wouldn't have that information," Karen answered.

"Oh! My mistake," Josh said apologetically and saw an opening to squeeze in the question, "Before you go, tell me; Is there anyone in here right now except the two of us?" He asked.

Karen looked around and was a little weirded out by the question but she couldn't tell her boss how she truly felt so she just answered.

"Nope. It's just the both of us in here."

"That'll be all, Karen. Thank you," he said dismissively.

"Okay..." Karen replied before leaving.

"You just made your employee think that you're off your meds," Garin said to Josh.

Josh got out of his seat and he seemed like he was panicking a little bit.

"How can she see you, Garin?"

"It's been said that some humans have the sight but there's no specific way that they have it," Garin said.

"What do you mean by that?" Josh asked.

"Some people are born with the sight while others develop it over time. Basically, there are several ways one can achieve it," Garin said, "They can see Celestials that roam on the Earth and can tell that they aren't human. I don't know how or why that is, it just is."

"And Jennifer is one of such people?"

"It would seem so but, she didn't seem scared to see me. It was like she thought I was human," Garin said.

"Isn't that because you're in your human form?" Josh wondered.

"No, that's not how it works. Anyone who has the sight can see an Angel or a Demon in their true form despite whatever form they don. They can always tell," Garin said.

"But Jennifer couldn't?"

"Either she couldn't OR she wasn't scared despite seeing me as a demon," Garin said with suspicion.

He wasn't sure what was happening with Jennifer and her ability to see but he knew that she knew something and he was determined to find out what it was. When she would return with the coffees, he would get to the bottom of the situation and uncover the truth.


Back at Clinton Corp, Isabelle was now engrossed in her work and she had her head buried in her laptop as she worked on some very important files that were detrimental to the pending business that the company was undergoing.

Hannah decided to give her some space to work so she sat away from her in silence and just kept watch for anything that might try to attack her.

As Isabelle worked, she started to get this weird feeling in her stomach; the same that she had last night at the Thai restaurant. A slight breeze blew into her office through the window slats and when she looked up, she could see a woman standing right outside her window.

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