Alkili Tree

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Back in the shaman’s store, Hannah and Garin went back inside and found Selene flipping through a book that was placed on the table.

“Is that book that has the spell we need?” Garin asked the shaman.

“Yes, it is. Somewhere in its pages are a series of instructions, a list of all the ingredients needed to make a potion and the incantation that will get the Neph out,” Selene replied.

She looked up and noticed the woman that was standing beside Garin and she could tell that Hannah wasn’t human despite looking like one. It didn’t take long before Selene sensed what Hannah was and she looked at her questioningly.

“Um, Selene, this is my wife, Hannah,” Garin introduced her when he noticed the Shaman staring at her.

“Your wife?” Selene was shocked to hear this, “But, isn’t she a…?”

“Yeah, she is. That isn’t important for now. Have you found the spell?” Garin asked.

“Yeah, I have,” Selene said and tried to restore her focus to the task at hand, “Here it is,” She pointed at a page in the book.

Hannah and Garin moved closer to the table and stared at the spell within the book. The list of things they needed for the potion was quite a lot and they were also rare and hard to find, and it would take them a while to gather it all.

“We’ve got some serious work to do,” Hannah said after seeing the list.

“Where can we get all of these ingredients?” Garin asked.

“I have most of it here in my store. The remaining ingredients won’t be so easy to acquire. We need an Alkili root, the hoof of a baby pig, and…” she hesitated.

“And what?” Garin asked.

“…the blood of a demon,” she finished.

“What? Why do you need his blood?” Hannah asked.

“This is a very powerful spell to exorcize a very powerful entity. It requires ingredients that also have supernatural elements within them. A demon’s blood has the element that’s necessary due to the bond they share with the Nephalem. It is the most important part of this potion and the spell cannot be performed without it,” Selene said.

“If you need my blood to get this to work, I’ll happily provide it. Just start making the potion while I go and get the other ingredients,” Garin said.

“Do you know where to find an Alkili root?” Selene asked.

“Of course, I do. Demons were the ones who planted the first Alkili tree on earth after all,” he replied. “Hannah will stay here and assist you with whatever you need until I get back,” Garin said.

“No, I’m coming with you,” Hannah protested.

“No, My Love, you have to remain here. You know how dangerous an Alkili root is to angels. I can’t risk you getting exposed to its toxicity and besides, one of us has to remain close to Josh and Isabelle in case something happens. Don’t worry, I’ll be back before you know it,” Garin assured her.

“Be careful, okay?”

“Always,” Garin replied before dashing out of the store.


Josh got out of the bathroom and went to join Isabelle in the bed. She had put aside her book and was ready to sleep so Josh lay beside her and wrapped his hands around her waist, snuggling just like she suggested.

“Good night, Babe,” he said and kissed her cheek.

“Night,” she replied.

About thirty minutes later, Josh and Isabelle were already fast asleep and everywhere was quiet. The lamp on top of the nightstand suddenly began to flutter on and off; a sign that a power had been activated.

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