Stalked And It's Weird

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“It was always so simple, Sagarus,” Lucifer said to The Tormentor, “...I had finally managed to have a chance to screw my father and take everything from him. I got him to accept the bet, I got him to put his entire power and control on the line and just when I was about to grab on to it, it slips away as it always has because, as it turns out, there’s another Supreme Being that’s just so conveniently been thrown into the mix and also wants the power for herself,” he vented.

Sagarus wasn’t really known to say much so he just listened to Lucifer and grunted in agreement. They were in Lucifer’s chambers where the Devil was contemplating how to turn the tide back in his favour.

“What am I supposed to do now, Sagarus? How am I supposed to get anything out of this when the real fight starts?” Lucifer asked and turned to his demon for some advice; any advice at all.

“I don’t know, My Lord,” Sagarus replied, much to the devil’s dislike.

“That’s not what I want to hear, Sag. You’re one of my oldest demons. You have a lot of wisdom and you’re the Prince of evil schemes. Surely you can come with something better than ‘I don’t know’,” Lucifer said.

Sagarus turned away and stroked his chin, trying to think of something that would give his sire some advantage in this three-god horse race…then, he thought of something.

“Well, I do have a theory but it’s just a theory, sire.”

“Tell me,” Lucifer said.

“I don’t know anything about this Summum, but what I can be sure of is that Supreme Beings always want to rule over something and from what God told you..,”

...Verum,” Lucifer interrupted, “We’re addressing my father as Verum from now.”

“Very well,” Sagarus continued, “From what Verum told you, it seems that this Summum can cloak herself away from his eye, isn’t that right?”

“That’s right! Verum can’t locate him and neither can I,” Lucifer said, impatiently waiting for Sagarus to get to the point.

“But what if you can?” Sagarus asked, “Summum wants war with Verum which makes her an enemy and if she’s an enemy, then by definition, she’s evil. You are the devil; You can spot evil anywhere in the world which means you should be able to locate Summum when she does something related to her plans for war.”

“That is true, Sag, but it still wouldn’t matter if I find her. I can’t do anything to hurt or kill her,” Lucifer said.

“That’s only if you find her in a spiritual plane, Sire. By all the natural laws of creation, a spiritual entity cannot physically affect the human world at the highest level unless it dons on a physical form. If you can find Summum on Earth in her physical form, then you can kill her,” Sagarus said.

“That is true but she’s a Supreme. It’s not going to be like killing a Celestial. If I kill her in human form, her spirit will still live on and her plans would not have been affected at all,” Lucifer said.

“But it will, sire. If a Supreme dies in their physical form, their power significantly reduces.”

“And if Summum’s power isn’t at its full might..,” Lucifer said.

“Then you will stand a much better chance at retaining your position without challenge. When the war is over, you’ll remain the Master of Hell and your seat will remain unchallenged,” Sagarus completed his idea.

Lucifer stroked his chin and he had to admit that it wasn’t such a bad idea. It wasn’t the most convenient of plans but it was something; in fact, it was all that he could do and he was going to do it.

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