Salty Igloo

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Hannah jolted up from the mat she was lying on and sat up, breathing quite heavily after waking up from her painful dream that involved her dead daughter. She looked to her side and what she saw made her question if she was still dreaming or was truly awake because it wasn’t something she expected at all.

There was a little boy in wolf’s fur clothing seated in the corner of the surprisingly warm room and right beside him was a full-grown white Siberian Snow Tiger but for some reason, the boy wasn’t scared of the large cat.

Hannah wasn’t sure what to do or if to do anything at all so she just stared at the boy and decided to try to speak to him. She moved slightly to one side and the tiger snarled softly, causing her to stop.

“It’s okay, Little Guy. I’m not going to hurt you,” Isabelle said softly to him, “Is anyone else here?” Hannah asked but the boy did not respond.

He suddenly got to his feet and ran out of the room. The tiger also got up and ran out with him. Hannah was even more confused now and knew that she was probably not safe here so she pulled the blanket off her body and as she tried to get up, her hair flowed forward and she saw that it wasn’t black as it was before; it was now white. This could only mean that her angelic powers were back and they were also active. She wanted to make sure so she made her palms glow and was certain that her powers were restored but, she still didn’t know how, and neither did she know where Garin was or if he was alright.

Hannah noticed that not only were her powers back but she was also feeling very refreshed. She checked the cut on her thigh and saw that it was completely healed and it made her wonder how. She was certain that whoever brought her here and saw to her wounds knew what she was and from the looks of it, they weren’t threatened by her presence or her mere existence.

She got to her feet and slowly made her way to the entry point of the room and moved aside the cloth that was spread across the doorway. When she got out, she looked back at where she had just come out from and could tell now that it was an igloo which was why it was so warm on the inside. She looked forward and saw many more igloos with people sitting around them and others also coming out from them and they all had their eyes on her. They didn’t look scared of her but they certainly were in awe and watched her move as intensely as they could.

Hannah walked around for a while, more concerned with finding her husband than she was about the people. However, she stopped moving when she saw the same boy from earlier staring at her with his tiger right beside him. He also had an older woman that was also wearing wolf pelts by his other side and they were walking over to Hannah. They reached her and the woman smiled at the angel and reached out to touch her face but stopped when Hannah spoke.

“Who are you and what have you done to my husband?” Hannah asked her.

The woman responded in a foreign language that Hannah didn’t understand but since she had her powers back, she could use them to understand what the woman was saying. It was another ability that Celestials possessed; the power to speak in several tongues.

“Who are you?” Hannah asked again and this time, the woman understood.

“I am Mai Ngodo, leader of the Isam Clan, and you don’t have to worry. You are safe here, Great Angel,” The old woman said.

“Where is my husband?” Hannah asked again. Garin was more important to her at that moment and she didn’t seem shocked that the old woman addressed her as “Great Angel”.

“Husband?” The woman asked like she was shocked, “Do you mean the demon?”

“Yes, the Demon! Where is he?”

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