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Later that night, Jennifer was asleep in her apartment when she felt a soft breeze blow around her which was accompanied by a weird sound. She opened her eyes and sat on her bed.

“Summum? Is that you?” She called out, thinking the God had returned.

“That ship has sailed, my dear and a new one has come to replace it,” A man’s voice said to her.

In fear, Jennifer reached for the lamp on her nightstand and turned it on. She looked down at her bed and saw a man sitting in front of her with his legs crossed.

“Hello, My Dear. I’ve come to collect,” Lucifer said.

“Who are you and what do you mean by that?” Jennifer asked, still scared.

“You made a deal with one of my children and although she’s dead now, that deal remains and you were never able to deliver,” he said.

A look of realization suddenly appeared on Jennifer’s face. This strange man was talking about her deal with Gentel and he had referred to her as “one of his children” and that could only mean one thing; HE WAS THE DEVIL HIMSELF.

Jennifer tried to get out of bed and run away from him but she couldn’t move her limbs. She was forced back on the bed, hands and legs spread out and she screamed in horror but it was pointless; no one was coming to save her.

“Desperate humans have no problem making deals with the devil. Their selfish desires always seem to be more important to them than their own souls and when the time comes to pay the price, they all of a sudden don’t want to. I will never understand why,” Lucifer said.

Shackles attached to chains appeared around Jennifer’s arms and feet, bounding her within them. She struggled to get free but she couldn’t break away from her bounds.

“No! What are you doing to me? Let me go! What are you doing?” She screamed hysterically.

“Don’t you worry, Little One. By the time it’s over, you will be very happy,” Lucifer said.

Jennifer ascended over the bed and her entire body began to simmer like it was heating up. She could feel her insides burning and the pain was excruciating.

“Stop it, please,” she begged Lucifer but he just stared at her, waiting for the process to be over.

Jennifer’s entire body ignited in flames and she screamed even louder. Her body began to change shape as her arms and legs grew larger. The bed beneath her caught on fire and disintegrated into dust. From her back, a pair of wings began to sprout out and from her forehead, a pair of horns. Her screaming finally ceased and she descended back to the floor.

The flames around her body burned out and she remained on the floor with her eyes closed.

Lucifer waited for her to wake and as she opened her eyes, they were glowing red for she was now a demon. She sat up and stared at her new sire with a smile on her face.

“Welcome, My Child. There’s work to be done,” Lucifer said to her.

The End…?

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