Don't You Remember?

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Jennifer jolted to her feet after hearing Josh's voice call out to her and she was shocked that he was there. She wasn't expecting him to be back in L.A till tomorrow and even if she knew that he was coming back early, she never expected him to drop by her place.

Jennifer tiptoed over to her door and looked in her peephole. She could see him standing right outside, knocking on the door and calling out to her.

"Jennifer, it's your boss, Josh Clinton. Are you in there?" Josh called out again.

Jennifer put her hand around the doorknob and was about to open it to let him in but, she stopped and looked behind her to see that her house was in complete chaos. The living room looked crazier than a lunatic asylum and her gun was just lying on the floor. She couldn't let him see this mess but she also didn't want him to leave without speaking to him first so she was torn and unsure of what to do.

"Jennifer?" He called out again and was starting to sound less enthusiastic with his calls, slowly beginning to accept that maybe she wasn't home.

Jennifer could sense his impending resignation so she decided to answer.

"I'll be right out," she shouted so he could hear.

"Jennifer, is that you? Are you okay?" Josh asked.

"Yes, it's me and I'm fine. I was just about to get in the shower so I'm putting my clothes back on," she lied, "I'll be right there."

And with that, Jennifer scurried through her messed-up house, clearing the mess as quickly as she could but at some point, she realized that she didn't have enough time to make it look neat enough.

She grabbed the gun and bullets from the floor, took them into her bedroom and dropped them on her bed. She grabbed a clean top with a very revealing neckline from her closet and put it on quickly before running into the bathroom to fix her hair and put on some light makeup.

She opened the tap on her hands and ran them through her hair to straighten it out. She poured some water on her face and dried herself with a towel before putting on some lipgloss.

She looked at herself in the mirror and was satisfied so she ran back to the door and opened it. She went outside to meet Josh and had no intention of inviting him inside.

"Good afternoon, Mr Clinton. I'm sorry for taking so long. I wasn't expecting anybody so my house is a bit of a mess," she said a bit nervously.

"I'm sorry for just popping in on you. I did call but you didn't answer," he said.

"Yeah, I was out but I just got back in a few minutes ago," she lied.

"Alright! I, um, heard you were sick and that no one was able to reach you. I got worried and I decided to..."

"You were worried about me?" Jennifer cut him off and had this look in her eyes when she asked the question.

It was almost as if hearing him say he was worried about her renewed her hope that he could one day love her and they could be together.

"Of course, I was worried. You're my most important employee and the company would be lost without you," Josh said lightheartedly, trying to make her feel good about herself by emphasizing her importance to the company.

This didn't make her feel good as he had intended. It made her feel the direct opposite because it meant he was here as just her boss and not someone who loved her. She was back to being angry but she made sure her expression didn't show it.

"That's flattering to hear," she said and feigned shyness at his statement.

"So, what's wrong with you? What are you sick with?" He asked.

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