Chapter 1.

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Roman Dukes leaned the black umbrella against his shoulder and squinted against the sun. Why was it that in all of his shows, the funeral scenes were rainy and cold. However, as Roman stared down at his own father's grave, the weather was beautiful. Roman sighed, before turning away from the freshly covered dirt and began the walk back to his family's car. He folded the umbrella as he walked, handing it to the funeral workers to put back with their collection that they had handed out. The group of people had already started taking down the tent and collecting the chairs. The words, "Property of Saunderville Funeral Company '' scrawled on the backs on the chairs.

Roman finally reached the car, where his twin Remus stood. Neither of them spoke to each other, not really needing to as they both slid into the car's backseat. Their mother, a tall business woman named Natalie, sat in the driver's seat. Roman thought it was weird, after all, his mother almost never drove anymore, since they had a driver anyways. Maybe it was the grief. Remus was quiet, but Roman knew he almost always was around their mother. Roman could feel himself sitting up taller too, a side effect of his mother's influence. Their mother wasn't exactly the most coddling type, and she was more focused on her job as an insurance CEO than being a present parent. She wasn't super concerned about anything her sons did unless it allowed her to figure out who would take over when she passed. Remus being his usual self and going into the backyard to dig up worms? She would pretend he didn't exist. Roman getting a lead in a school play? She suddenly had work trips to plan and attend. Honestly, Roman didn't know how she and their dad had met. Their dad, a stay at home man with a heart of gold named Mark, was the only reason Remus and Roman even had good memories with their mom. When Remus would get excited at the idea of a new drawing or story idea, their dad was the one going to get a new sketchbook. When Roman was struggling in his English or History, his dad was the one up until ten making sure Roman would pass. Their dad made sure that their mom came to their fifth grade graduation, or they got to go on cool vacations. Their dad set up game nights for once a month that all the three of them did.

Roman paused his long train of thought to spare a glance at Remus. The two had never really been particularly close, as Roman had always been very charismatic and Remus would rather have spent time with bugs than people, but they were still brothers. Roman only hoped this didn't damage their already strained relationship. Roman stretched his neck to the sides, a bit stiff from all of the awkward positions he had been in today, and looked back out the window.

The weather really was beautiful today. It was one of those days that his dad would have demanded to get his boys to hike with him. Instead, Roman and Remus were both in stuffy suits and sitting in a car silently. As their car rounded a turn, Roman frowned. Where his family lived was never all that incredible, it was some middle sized town that was too big to call quaint and too small for anyone outside of their county in Florida to have ever heard of. However, that had never bothered him before. Now, the town felt way too small and cramped as the town all recognized his family's car. He used to hate that his family didn't live close enough to town to go to school here, but now... Now he was kind of grateful that he wouldn't be getting those looks from people at school too. Roman reached his hand up to his neck and loosened his tie slightly, before looking back out the window and staring out. He stayed zoned out until he saw his neighborhood passing by him, then felt the car turn into his driveway.

Roman's house was a fairly normal two story house. A small yard was lined by a tall privacy fence that had once been white, but was now a more dull color with grass stains at the bottom. The garage wasn't attached to the actual house, so it wasn't actually inside the fence. Roman watched as his mother reached up to the top of the car to push a button and open the garage door, then drove inside. Roman relaxed a bit with the shadows of the garage covered some of that light, and unbuckled his seatbelt as he heard his mother push the car's gear shift into park.

He stood up and stretched his legs a bit, before looking across the garage at his mother and brother. Roman saw his mother's face, which was as stoic as ever, and Remus's, which barely hid his tears. His mother turned and walked towards the house, not bothering to check on her sons, before closing the garage door behind her as she left out the side entrance. Roman stood for a moment before coughing gently, and walking towards his twin. "Remus?"

His brother didn't really respond, just turned his back to their car and slid to the floor to lean against it. Remus began to undo his tie, which knotted itself halfway down, and he tugged at it. Roman watched his brother get more angry before sitting down next to him and offering to get it for him. Remus let his arms fall as Roman undid the knot and let the two sides of the tie fall to either side of Remus's neck. "It's gonna be ok, Remus."

"How the hell would you know?" Remus muttered.

"I... I don't." Roman leaned back against the car beside his brother and felt a lump grow in his throat. He struggled to keep the sobs in, but tears still escaped and ran down his cheeks. Out of the corner of his eye, Roman could see his brother crying silently too. Remus had darker, more straight hair then Roman, since they were freturnal, and he liked to keep a strip at the front dyed a random color. Today it was gray. He had matching eyes to Roman, both had darker brown eyes, but Remus always had bags under his because he stayed up too late.


"Yeah Remus?"

"It's gonna be ok."

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