Chapter 3.

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Virgil Storm was not at all thrilled by the prospect of another new school. He was tired of being some cliche that others could talk about. So when his mother had mentioned that she had finally found a permanent position at a highschool in Florida, Virgil was more excited than nervous. That was, until his mother told him her position was as a principal.

His mother was already not the kindest woman, and oftentimes gave him school like punishments at home. Now she was going to be principal and make other kid's lives miserable. They were gonna hate him. Virgil was convinced. So convinced in fact, that Virgil tried to make them as late as possible. He feigned being sick, fell down the stairs, pretended his alarm broke and he didn't wake up, and went so far as to try and climb down the window and run away until that night. Instead, his mother checked his temperature, caught his falls, splashed him in the face with cold water, and waited for him outside the window and said that since he was dressed then he must be good to go.

So now, Virgil sat in the backseat of his mother's car with his arms crossed and battered old hoodie on with its hood up. His mother had tried to convince him that this would be fun. That he would enjoy the new experience and that this was the last time anyways, but Virgil just tuned her out. It wasn't until they got to the school that Virgil realized just how anxious he was.

His mother didn't exactly believe that people could have bad mental health issues, so Virgil's heightened anxiety was always met with the old "You just need some sunlight" or "You said you were fine yesterday, so it can't be that bad". Virgil instead used YouTube to teach him panic attack techniques or answers to how he was feeling. His mother said something about him getting out and taking his hood off to make her look good, but he didn't really register. His mind spiraled as he thought about the looks people gave the new kid. The whispers that danced in his ears when he walked down the halls. The school looked so big, what if he got lost? What if he had to talk to people? What if-

"Virgil!" His mother's voice snapped Virgil out of his mind.


"Take off that damn hoodie and leave it in the car. I don't want you looking lazy. I'll be very busy today, and after the stunts you pulled this morning, I want you to be in detention today. If you think you can get out of education, then you should spend more time here as punishment."

"Whatever, but do I have to take off the hoodie?"

"Did you miss the part where I don't want you looking lazy?"


His mother turned to face him. "No, what?"

"No ma'am."

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