Chapter 15.

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Janus was not ready to walk out of a jail cell into an office building, but that was what happened. Granted, he really hadn't been ready for much that had happened. Preferably, Janus would've rathered his day involved ditching school for some random people watching from the nearby mall, maybe getting a slushie from that shitty gas station across the street from the school. Then Janus would have slurped the mostly watered down slushie while giving the school the bird and dreaming about the day when he could wake up and never go back. However, he had been chucked into the woods with people who were either mad at him or just he just didn't know, then fell down a hole. Then saw some shit that would haunt his dreams for the rest of his life, and turned into a fucking glowstick, with miniature, sharp glowsticks in each hand.

"Psst, Janus. Move." Roman's voice zoned Janus back into his surroundings. He turned and saw that the others were all following, and Remus stood behind him with his back towards Janus. That was when he heard it. It was more muffled on the carpets, but that distinct 'tink' noise was there. At that point, Janus decided he was getting his happy ass out of this place.

"Right, sorry." He answered in a voice barely above a whisper. "Lead the way, Santa Claus."

"Dear Regina George, you are as bad as my brother." Roman muttered as he turned and began to walk. Janus followed, his head down to make sure he didn't step on the pair of light pink boots in front of him. Janus began making mental notes of his surroundings. There were no windows, so they were probably somewhere underground. The carpet was an ugly color and style, plus it was fading from years of use, so the building was definitely older. The walls were just drywall, but painted a light gray. There were small scuffs on the sides, and as Janus walked, he began to notice small, almost unnoticeable holes close to the baseboards. It looked like someone had taken a sewing pin and stabbed small spots into the walls. The carpet had similar spots too, once Janus started looking.

"So..." Patton spoke up, his voice finally picking up some of his usual charm. "What do we do once we get out?"

"I'm just hoping for some conveniently timed amnesia." Virgil answered. Janus noticed how squared his shoulders were, and how stiffly he walked.

"I'm sure Remus would love to whack some sense into you, JDelightful." Roman scoffed. Virgil's only response was a middle finger.

"Hey." Remus said, with a bit too much seriousness in his voice. That set Janus on edge. "I kept hearing something, kinda like tapping, coming towards us."

The others all let out various agreements, and they all tensed a bit. Janus had hoped if nothing was said, then it wasn't really there. "Yeah," Janus responded. "What about it?"

"It's just stopped."


"Come on." Roman said. "It's most likely nothing."

"Hardly." Logan interjected. "Most likely whatever it is has stopped at the space where we were being kept. I am sure it will soon realize we are no longer there."

"Not. Helping. Logan." Roman groaned, however, he began to pick up his pace a bit.

There was a bit of silence, before Roman pointed towards the first exit sign that they had seen. This building was most certainly not up to code. Janus could see a set of double doors up ahead, and hope fluttered in his chest, before the most unholy, bone clattering roar broke through the silence.

"Oh fuck that." Roman said, picking up a run. "Everyone up these stairs. Now."

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