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Virgil pulled on the hoodie he'd never given back to Roman. He'd fixed it in the months since they'd handled the DW, and it now had purple patches where the burns were, and some where they weren't because it made Virgil smile. He rode to school with his mom in silence, before they got out and she gave him a hug. She'd been different after everything, but that was a given. Virgil had been so surprised to see her accept Roman like she had, but he supposed that was because she knew she may lose Virgil too.

Virgil had immediately been bombarded by Patton, who began telling Virgil about how Logan had reacted to the end of the first Percy Jackson book.

"He couldn't believe Luke was the traitor!" Patton giggled. "I mean, the look on his face was priceless!"

Virgil smiled. "I can only imagine. How's life with the chaos twins been?"

"Honestly, it's nice!" Patton nodded. "And that brings me to my question."

"What's that?"

"Can you skip GSA with me and Remus?"

"I suppose, why?"

"We wanna go back to the Sanctuary." Patton answered. He'd been off about the place since the fight, like it called to him or something.

"Sure Pat. I'll have to tell Ro, though." Virgil said, pulling out his new phone and texting Roman's number. Patton grabbed Virgil's shoulder and squeezed it gently, their personal version of a hug, before bouncing off. Virgil could still see the scar on the back of his friend's neck, cleared over like it was a scar he'd had most of his life. It still gave him the shivers. Hell, Virgil still had nightmares about the whole thing. He began to type a message to Roman, before he heard the curly haired ass call him.

"Hello my chemically imbalanced romance."

"You're running low on material there, Princey." Virgil teased. Roman had been so excited when Aladdin had been announced as the spring musical, and even more so when he'd landed the part of lead.

"He isn't a prince until the end, Virge." Roman laughed.

"But the name suits you so well." Virgil laughed back. "Hey, Pat asked me to swing by the Sanctuary with him instead of GSA."

Roman frowned. "Well, I see how it is."

"Oh hush you." Virgil laughed. "Maybe this weekend can be a movies and cuddle?"

"When do I ever say no to those days?" Roman smiled, and the bell rang. They waved a goodbye, and Virgil darted to his first class. They'd all agreed after the fight to take a break from being heroes for a while, and let themselves just be kids. Even that was hard, though. Logan's parents were still requiring intermittent meetings to make sure that plans hadn't changed and they weren't cruisading in the night, but the answer was always the same. Virgil would never admit it out loud, but he kinda missed the rush of fighting, though not the Witch.

His day was spent lost in thought over the events, distracted periodically by a teacher calling his name for one reason or another, and he thought back to his dad. The funeral had been only two days after Virgil and the others had killed the Witch, and he had never expected so many people to come. His grandparents on his mom's side came, along with some aunts and uncles from his mother's side as well. There was very little family on Dad's, but now Virgil knew the reason. He hadn't been expecting his friends and their families to come, but had been surprised when they showed up. Roman had held his hand throughout the whole thing, and Virgil had spent most of the ceremony crying into his shoulder.

"Virgil?" Roman's voice shook him. "You okay? You've been out of it all period."

"I'm okay." Virgil smiled. "Besides, I thought you liked my zoned out face."

"I like all your faces." Roman laughed. "Just making sure that one doesn't turn into your 'I'm upset at something but too scared of rejection to say anything' face."

"Ouch." Virgil shoved him gently. The bell rang. "I love you, Ro. I gotta go meet Pat."

"Love you too, Virge." Roman said as Virgil left, steering towards the library. When he made it, no one was there, and he went to their normal meetup.

Virgil: Pat? Were we not meeting in the library?

Patton: Shoot! Sorry, kiddo! We were meeting by your mom's office.

Virgil: No big, I'll head that way.

He turned around, putting his phone in his pocket and hurrying back down and across from where he'd been in class. He ran to his mom's office, and opened the door to see Remus waiting.

"Took you long enough."

"Hello to you too, Teleporter."

"It was one time!" Remus yelped, but smiled nonetheless. Virgil waited as he opened the portal. It had gotten much more second nature for them to use their powers. After the Witch had been defeated, Virgil could remember how his powers felt, like someone had taken off the training wheels. He'd even been able to change his suit, something he'd had no idea he could actually do. He hadn't decided on a design yet, so it was still the same as before, but it was nice to know he could when he was ready.

Virgil stepped through, the feeling of Remus's portals now almost unnoticable, and quickly realized no one was in the space. "Where's Patton?"

"Lounge." Remus said as he closed the portal, and Virgil waited for him to finish before he'd walked over. Remus had opened the door for him, and Virgil burst into laughter.

Aladdin's intro screen was playing on the TV, and the furniture had all been moved to the side to make room for a collection of blankets and pillows. The others were all there, and in the middle was a bag of M&M's and chips, plus some soda. Patton and Logan were already snuggled under a blanket together, both sharing a cup of hot chocolate Virgil assumed Roman had warmed up for them. Janus was holding two mugs, which Remus took after he sat down, and Roman was standing by the screen.

"When I said 'movies and cuddles', I believe I also said it would be this weekend."

"Are you-" Roman threw his arms over his face dramatically. "-rejecting me?"

"I didn't say no, Princey."

"That name will not stick." Roman laughed as he grabbed onto Virgil's hand and led him to a spot, handing him a cup of cocoa as well.

"I don't know, maybe it should be your hero name." Remus teased, and Roman leaned over, putting his finger to the bottom of his mug and letting the hot chocolate begin to boil. "Leave my hot chocky out of this!"

Roman leaned back, sitting down as Janus shot a finger at the TV, and it began to play.

Virgil snuggled close to Roman, feeling how warm he was. Virgil really hadn't been expecting the life he'd had when he came to this city, but as he scanned over the people he couldn't imagine his life without, and landing on the man he could never not love, he realized that he wasn't mad it had happened.

Not at all...

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