Chapter 56.

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TW: A bit more torture, and needles.

Janus’s wrists hurt. His head hurt. His muscles felt sluggish, and he could feel bruises forming over top of nasty cuts. He was staring into the face of the second grossest thing he’d ever seen, and he was still impressively petty enough to tell her to ‘Eat shit.’ The bitch only laughed at him, turning back to watch from a corner as a flurry of human people ran around. The woman that the Witch had spoken to when she came in seemed to take charge. She looked so familiar to Janus, but his muddled brain was having too much trouble making her out to figure out where he recognized her from.

“Give me 1 and a half milligrams of Propofol, and get him to an operating table.” She called.

Janus felt like his stomach had dropped through the floor. “Operating table?” He pulled against his chain. “Fuck that and fuck you too!”

The witch cackled from the corner, clearly enjoying Janus's struggle against the chains. They made awful clinking noises every time he moved, but he was too focused on getting out to give much of a shit.

“Hurry!” The woman yelled, and Janus saw someone hand her a syringe. He pulled harder against the metal, feeling it slice into his wrists as he moved himself around. “Someone grab him.”

“You touch me and I swear to god!” Janus yelled. He felt a set of hands grab ahold of his waist, and he swung himself before feeling his foot make contact with a face.


“I fuckin’ warned you bitches.” Janus remarked, before continuing to yank against the chains on the ceiling. He felt another set of hands on his legs, and he kicked at them with his free leg. They let go, and Janus felt his powers begin to buzz to life under his skin. The energy was slow, like waking up from a nap. He struggled more, trying to wake them up faster as he pulled against his bindings. He felt someone take hold of his arm, and spin him to face the woman with the syringe. He felt his powers surge to protect him, and a blast of energy came from the computers around him. Glass shattered and scattered across the room as small bolts of energy zapped around him.

“You dumbasses didn’t seriously put a technopath in a room filled with tech, did you?” Janus laughed despite his situation. He was still hanging from the ceiling after all. The woman, who was still standing in front of Janus, slowly came into view. It took everything he had not to shout. She had dark, semi-curly hair. Her skin was darker too, more of an olive or almond color. She was the spitting image of Remus. Janus kicked out at her, and a jolt of energy shot from his leg and she flew back against the wall. Then Janus noticed the witch missing from where she’d been, and he felt the metal touch his skin a second too late.

“That was entertaining, but you should rest now. I want my champions ready to fight whenever I call.” Janus kicked back, feeling his foot connect with a solid object as he felt the needle leave his skin with a prick of discomfort.

“Struggle all you want now, you won’t get out before that medicine kicks in.” The woman commented as she dusted herself from the floor. Janus ignored her, pulling against his chains as his powers began to shut back down. He gave another scream, before he heard a much needed voice.


He looked over to see the others, in full ranger suits, charging in from the door. The witch looked like she might faint from her excitement, but Janus felt like that too. His vision was beginning to blur at the edges, and he was now only barely tugging against the chains.

“Guys.” He called out, and watched as Remus and Roman looked over at their mother and paused for a moment. Virgil nor Logan were distracted, however, and were actively getting through the chaos of the room to get to Janus, before the witch darted behind the purple ranger. “Look out!”

Virgil looked over as the witch punched him. It threw him into the electronics, and sucked the twins and Patton back into the present as they split to help Janus and Virgil. Janus’s vision was fading out as Logan swung his axe through Janus’s chains, and Remus grabbed him.

“I gotcha.” Remus said, and Janus felt his world fade back to black. Cause fuck it He thought.

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