Chapter 36.

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Patton giggled as Roman and Virgil stared at Remus in amazement.

“You made this?” Virgil asked.

“Kind of?” Remus shrugged. “More like this place called me to it. Like when I started thinking about a place that was alone for us to be, this place called out to me. Everything was already here when I got here, and it kinda shifted to modernize itself the minute I stepped into this place.”

“Wait, you didn’t make this place?” Patton looked over at him. Remus shook his head.

“Wish I could take credit, but nope. It wasn’t me.”

“I wonder if the previous Rangers made it…” Virgil mumbled.

“Speaking of that.” Roman said, finally pulling from his shock to look at Virgil. “How much do you know about these Rangers?”

“I don’t know a lot. I mean, they were folktales that had similarities for all the world knows.” Virgil said.

“Well,” Janus’s voice came from behind Patton and he turned to see the missing two from the conversation walking over. “This might be the most realistic folktale I’ve ever seen.”

“Yes,” Logan nodded. “And while I have not done my research on this completely, I can hardly imagine that there has never been any proof of Rangers before us.”

“I mean, all I know is the stories my dad used to tell me.” Virgil put his head down slightly and slumped his shoulders. “Sorry.”

“Kiddo!” Patton said, reaching out to hug Virgil before remembering their conversation that morning, and deciding instead to grab his friend’s hand. “You are doing great!”

“Yes, we would not have the beginnings of a lead without your realization.” Logan gave a smile.

“Thanks.” Virgil said, though still shifted awkwardly before looking away at the room on the far end. “What’s in there, anyways?”

Patton sensed his need to change the topic, and let go with one last squeeze. “I don’t know. Honestly, I’ve just been having fun flying around without having to worry about anyone seeing me.”

“Wait.” Roman said. “I wanna see!”

Patton giggled before letting himself go weightless and float up into the air, noticing how easy it was becoming. A grin plastered his face as he let himself float upwards for a good ten feet before willing himself to fly forwards. He did loops in the air to a cheerful Roman before floating back down and bowing with a laugh.

“10 out of 10, Patton.” Virgil smiled. “But seriously, what’s in there?”

“Why don’t we go check it out?” Remus said, before running towards it. “Last one is a rotten egg!”

Patton willed himself into the air to follow as Roman charged after his brother. He could hear Janus, Virgil, and Logan all following behind.

“Don’t any of you remember the last time we opened a mystery door?” Janus yelled from behind.

Remus just responded by clucking like a chicken. “Sounds like someone is trying to justify why they are a rotten egg.”

Even though Remus had started, Patton’s flight made him get there faster.

“Cheater!” Roman called as he slowed behind Remus for third place.

“I’m only using my new skills!” Patton laughed, before seeing Logan only speed walking at the back, along with Janus and Virgil.

“Booo! You are all rotten eggs.” Remus stuck his tongue out as they made it, all three of them petty enough to walk in step to get there at the same time. Roman and Patton only smiled again, before Remus grabbed at the door and opened it.

“Deja Vu anyone?” Virgil joked. However, instead of a creepy statue and six more light bands, it was a simple looking lounge. There was a small couch with patches scattered throughout in various different colors. It looked like someone had at first tried to match the original color, a dull gray, before giving up and slowly patching it with whatever color was lying around. Patton kinda liked it. As they all walked in, he noticed a bookshelf that covered a wall of the room, and at the bottom were a series of games. Some were completely unfamiliar, while others were board games like Clue or Life. On the opposite side was a small kitchenette, just a fridge, a couple cabinets, and a sink. There was another small room off to the side as they walked in that was clearly a bathroom. In the middle was the couch, a set of two chairs, and two bean bags all surrounding a coffee table that had only a single book on it.

“What the fuuuuck…” Remus said.

“Lang- oh.” Patton drifted off, looking to where Remus was staring. The wall across from the couch was blank. However, as the all stared, a tv began to materialize in place, below it a set of gaming consoles and an infinite number of games appeared.

“YES.” Remus said, “Whose ass am I gonna kick in Mario Kart?”

“That’s your focus right now?” Virgil asked.

“My priorities are as straight as I am.”

“Remus, you aren’t straight.” Roman said, his face in his hands.


Patton moved past them as a conversation broke out, along with Logan and Janus, to explore the room. Janus went over to the bookshelf, Logan went to the tv, and Patton wandered to the kitchenette. He opened the drawers and fridge, but they were empty. Then Patton began to look at the walls, and noticed pictures of people who Patton didn’t recognize. The first was a painting of six people posed in two dimensional frames. It reminded Patton of the Egyptian paintings he’d seen in his history books.

A little to the right and above the first, a second painting in a different style showed six more people, all girls this time. They wore suits of armor that looked large and heavy, but all had soft smiles and closed eyes.

“That’s the same art design from ancient Japan.” Virgil spoke from behind him.


Virgil nodded, before moving his eyes to the next one. It was yet another six people, all wearing armor that Patton recognized. “Isn’t this from China?”

“Yeah.” Virgil looked around the walls where the pictures hung. “There are at least 14 different pictures here. I’d bet that they are all of former Rangers.”

“Wow,” Patton breathed, looking at the different paintings until he saw a picture that he hadn’t noticed before. It was old, and had the sepia and grain that a lot of old photos have. The picture was of five people, and they all looked about Patton’s age.

“I wonder why there aren’t six here…”

“I don’t know, but there aren’t in these ones either.” Virgil pointed to another two paintings that were close to each other. One, Virgil said, was Greek, and only showed four people, and the other was of only two, and painted in a style that looked about the time of the renaissance.

“Look, this one has seven!” Patton gestured to an old picture of seven people all gathered in a group.

“That’s a World War 2 photo.”

“How do you know?”

Virgil pointed to the people in frame, all wearing helmets. “See the netting? That’s from World War 2.”

“You really know your stuff, kiddo!” Patton nudged Virgil with his shoulder.

“Yeah, I suppose.”

“Just checking, what side wore those helmets?”

Virgil panicked a bit. “Oh! The allies did! No, No no no. Not… No.”

Patton smiled. “Just checking kiddo.”

“I believe I have found something of interest.” Logan called from the coffee table, interrupting their conversation. Patton looked as Logan lifted the book that had been on the table. “This has stories from the past Rangers. I believe it is a journal.”

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