Chapter 44.

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Remus was happily jamming out with Janus to My Strange Addiction. After a moment, he led Janus over to the others and they all danced in a circle, periodically laughing as one of them broke out a particularly weird dance move. When the song came to an end, they all took a moment to laugh and talk with each other.

“Okay.” Roman cleared his voice. His tone was different from his normal one, and Remus wondered why it made everyone pause to look at him. “Let’s see what practice we can do in things. I know none of us really know too much, but I figure if we start by sparring with each other, we can at least be better prepared for the future.”

Patton gave a soft shudder. “Let’s hope there is no concern.”

“Better to hope for the best and prepare for the worst than be unprepared and disappointed.” Janus commented. “By the way, I think the computer has a training feature with it.”

“You’re sure?” Logan looked at him.

“Yeah, these suits are like power amplifiers.” Janus looked back to the computer, before walking over and typing on the keyboard. Remus wandered over to watch. Janus pulled up another screen from the monitor that said “Training.”

Janus clicked on it and the screen shifted to show a collection of their six colors. Janus picked all of them, and the fabric of the walls moved and six holograms walked into the room as Bad Guy began to play.

“Literal Chills.” Remus joked as the semi-transparent figures with no facial features walked in and stood. Each of them cast a different colored glow, and Remus walked up to the one casting off a pale green.

The figure turned to face Remus, and he took a step back. Then the figure began to shift and change until it matched Remus, mace and all.

Suddenly, it came at him, swinging the mace above its head. Remus panicked, and threw up his own. They clanged together and the vibrations rattled Remus’s teeth. The figure took a step back, and Remus watched it do the coolest fucking twirl with the weapon before charging again.

“Jesus. A bit of help?” Remus called.

“A bit busy Remus!” Roman called, and Remus noticed the other figures, now exact, translucent replicas of his friends, were all charging at their respective colors. Remus blocked another blow before teleporting a few feet away to get some space. The figure didn’t jump, instead turning and walking towards him.

“Hey, I don’t think they can use powers!” Remus called, before jumping again and reappearing behind the hologram. He took a wide swing at the figure and hit it against the head. The hologram faded into dust, and an image appeared on Remus’s visor. “Training Level 1: Complete. Level 2?”

“No.” Remus said hastily, and the image faded. He turned to watch as Logan lifted a chair with his mind and threw it at the figure to distract it, before lunging forwards with his axe. Virgil was busy spraying his purple figure with water, before he stabbed it through the chest and it too faded to dust. Patton was able to get high enough, and created a cloud cover that he hid himself in, before Remus watched an arrow fly down to hit the pink hologram. Roman had somehow lit his figure on fire, and lunged at it with his sword. Janus had figured out how to make one of his daggers carry electricity, and had thrown it at his figure. When the figure attempted to block it, it simply jerked from the shock and vanished into dust as well.

“Niiice.” Remus said, walking back over to join the others.

“Yes. I believe this may have been a good decision.” Logan nodded, a bit of an annoyed edge to his voice at the knowledge he hadn’t thought of it.

“Deactivate.” Patton’s voice came from somewhere in the cloud cover, and Remus watched a pink light flash from the clouds before Patton floated down. “Good job kiddos!”

“Yeah it was!” Remus said, patting himself on his back. “Deactivate.”

“Yes.” Roman nodded, “We all did good, but I think we should call it for the day. What time is it, anyways?”

“Deactivate.” Logan said, flashing a blue light before checking his watch. “5:20.”

“Deactivate.” Virgil said, and morphed back to his normal clothes. “Yeah, I need to be heading out. My mom probably thinks that I am finishing my study group.”

“Deactivate.” Janus said, and frowned at Virgil. “Study group?”

“I had to say something.”

“Yes, and Patton and I must be making our leave soon as well.” Logan agreed.

“We have another chapter to read!” Patton gasped.

“Deactivate.” Roman said, flashing back to his own clothes and looking at Patton and Logan. “Chapter?”

“Yes. I am carpooling with Patton, and we began a book series today.”

“It’s Percy Jackson!”

Remus looked at Logan. “I never pegged you for a fantasy guy.”

“I do not mind the genre. I often enjoy a change in pace.”

“Suure.” Virgil said, before turning to grab his bag. Remus and the others followed, all grabbing their stuff before Remus walked back to the entrance. He reached back to where they’d left. It was a bit hard to explain, but he could feel where he’d left to go to the Sanctuary, and could easily get back there. Remus’s mind traveled back to what Ka-ari had said when he was in his cell. There wasn’t a doubt in Remus’s mind that he couldn’t have left the Sanctuary and returned somewhere else either. There just simply wasn’t any way. He reached back to where they’d left, and felt the now familiar push from the small of his back as he watched the portal grow and the others walk through. He followed at the back, and closed the portal behind him.

They all wandered out to the front of the library, and were about to open the door to leave, but Virgil stopped them.

“Oh god, my mom’s out there.” He said.

Patton frowned. “I should stay in here then.”

Remus looked at him, puzzled. “Why?”

“Virgil’s mom came and told me to make sure that I told her if Virgil ever came to a GSA meeting.”

“And she isn’t really fond of any of you after your prank.” the purple ranger pointed at Remus.

“Oh.” Remus said, looking down at his feet.

“Don’t feel bad. Just stay in here so I don’t have to make an excuse. Please.” Virgil said, and quickly pulled off his hoodie to shove it in his book bag. “I’ll text when I get back. See you all tomorrow.” Then he went out the door. Remus listened in, but there wasn’t much conversation as they walked away.

There wasn’t much chatter between them for a moment, before Remus opened the door and checked to see if anyone was there, then leaving and waving the others out too.

“See you all tomorrow.” Logan said bluntly. “Come on, Patton.”

“Yep.” Patton said, following closely behind.

Janus walked out with Remus and his brother, and split off to grab a bus as they left the school, breaking into a slow jog towards the bus stop. Roman pointed at their mom’s car, which was sitting by the front steps.

“Come on.”

“Yeah.” Remus said, and followed his brother.

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