Chapter 28.

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Janus was watching the show as Roman tackled Virgil off of the park bench and fussed at him to “give it back”.

“Roman! I swear to Christ I don’t think I can!” Virgil yelled, giving Roman another hard shove off of him while rubbing at his shoulder. “I didn’t know that would happen. I didn’t know that I could do that.”

“I don’t think any of us knew we could do these things yet.” Janus said, walking forwards to intervene. Roman backed off, huffing.

“Yes. However it does make sense.” Logan spoke from his spot on the bench. Janus noticed that Patton’s hand was still on Logan’s shoulder. “After all, the body is made up of roughly 60% water.”

“Yeah, but why did I get it?” Virgil frowned.

“I am not sure, however my best guess would be that you have simply given Roman’s body a boost at the expense of your own. I would not advise using this too often.”

“I didn’t mean to use it then!”

“Okay. okay.” Patton piped up, grinning softly at them all. “How about we all just go get some coffee or something to wake us all up. I know a cafe that just opened. I saw it on my way over.”

“You mean your flight?” Janus smirked, and Patton grinned at him.

“I think that idea is most wise. Perhaps we can also discuss a way to test our abilities as well.” Logan nodded.

“Test?” Virgil asked, scooting away from Logan slightly. “I’m down to just forget about all of this.”

“That wouldn’t be wise.” Logan responded, standing up. “I believe that if we do not do field tests to discover the limits of our abilities, then we may cause injury to someone.”

“Yeah, but I don’t exactly know you people.” Virgil crossed his arms. “No offense, but I just met you all yesterday, and any interaction I’ve had with you guys has screwed me over. Why should I trust you now?”

There was a bit of silence. It was true. Janus knew Logan, and Remus knew Roman, but none of them were close. Even Janus and Logan weren’t exactly really close, more just someone that Janus could pass the time of school with. Yeah, they’d done well with each other yesterday, but that was a pressure situation. This was everyday life, well, with a couple twists.

“Then, how about we get coffee, and talk?” Roman suggested.

“Weren’t we already thinking about that?” Virgil asked, turning his gaze to Roman.

The two held a staring contest for a moment, before Roman spoke up. “No, ugh, I mean talk about ourselves. Let’s make friends.”

“I mean,” Remus spoke up finally, shifting from foot to foot. “I’m good with that.”

The others nodded, except Virgil. Patton moved from Logan’s side and walked up to the emo. “You don’t have to if you aren’t ready.”

“It’s fine. I could use a hot chocolate. It’s cold out this morning.” Virgil brushed him off. “Lead the way, Pat.”

“Of course!” Patton said, moving away from Virgil and waving the others to follow him as he walked across the park with the pep of a cheerleader. The others followed close behind, all pretty silent as they made their way from the park to the cafe. Janus steered clear of touching anything electronic, still a bit nervous he might hurt someone. He hadn’t said anything to the others yet, but he’d been hearing the dull buzzing of electricity since he woke up. It wasn’t something he minded necessarily, since it was mostly harmless, but he still wasn’t sure what had happened when he’d woken up. His phone hadn’t exactly short circuited at first, but when Janus could all the sudden see through the phone, and anything electronic, he’d panicked and fried his phone, their lights, and Janus was fairly sure blown a fuse in their whole complex. So, he was more than willing to steer clear of touching anything with more than a lever for technology.

“Here we are!” Patton gestured after they’d been walking a bit. It was a mom and pop coffee shop, and Janus was a bit surprised that it was even open this early, but Patton opened up the door and ushered them all inside. Janus followed Remus in, followed by Virgil, who’d been pouting a bit since the park, and got in line for a drink. He counted out some cash from his allowance, and figured he had enough for a small coffee, which he ordered, before sitting down across from Roman at a corner table.

The place wasn’t full, but it wasn’t completely empty either. There were the people at the counter, an elderly couple that Janus could only assume were the owners. There were also two or three other people sitting at the chairs sipping their coffees while reading on their phones or papers. Janus saw Patton, who was bringing up the rear with Virgil, ordering his food while talking to Virgil from the counter. Janus couldn’t read what they were saying, but it ended with Patton giving Virgil a soft pat on the shoulder. Then they waited and took the drinks over to the group.

“Here we go.” Patton said, setting down a cup holder full of drinks with all their names on it. Janus saw his and pulled it, while Virgil set down the one of the drinks in his hand, and gave the other to Patton.

Once they were all sitting, it was silent again. That was until Remus decided to start it all. “Hi. I’m Remus Dukes.”

“We know.” Logan said.

“Shut up, let me do this. I say ‘hi, I’m Remus’, and you say?”

“Hi Remus.” they all responded, Logan only a step behind.

“Great. I’m Remus. I am 15. I’m a pisces. I am a comic artist and writer. I like long walks on the beach. I think I can teleport. Yesterday I turned into a green dude and fought off a thingy. He slash him pronouns.” He paused, tapping his chin in thought. “I’m bisexual, and I have an asshole twin named Roman.” Remus smiled at his introduction, and Janus couldn’t help but chuckle under his breath.

Before he knew it, he began to speak too. “Hi, I’m Janus Duplis.”

“Hi Janus.”

“I’m 15. I think I’m a virgo.” Janus paused to count on his fingers for the months. “Yeah. Virgo. I don’t enjoy long walks on the beach. I do however enjoy helping my mom around the house. I think I’m Electro. Yesterday I was a highlighter. Probably he, him, his pronouns. Gay as a fruitcake, and I want to do psychology when I go to college.”

Roman cleared his voice. “Hi, I’m Roman Dukes.”

“Hi Roman.”

“I’m also a pisces, seeing as we are twins.” He gestured to Remus. “I’m 15. I do theater, music, dance, and a multitude of other things. Yesterday, and I guess in my sleep, I was the red ranger. He, Him, His, and I’m straight.”

“Wait, what do you mean Ranger?”

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