Chapter 21.

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Logan didn't realize how much he missed his siblings until they were all hugging him. His oldest sibling, Ella, held onto him the longest. "You scared the shit out of me, Nora."

Logan tried not to grimace at his dead name. It made him feel like he had put on the suit of someone else. "My apologies, Ella. I had not planned on the events of today either."

"No, I don't imagine." Ella chuckled. "Go see the EMT real quick, so we can be heading home."

"Yes." Logan agreed, detangling himself from his family and walking towards the flashing lights on the ambulance. He could briefly see Patton, Remus, and Roman talking to each other as he made his way to the car. He saw Virgil inside, mainly getting his face checked from the small cut on the bridge of his nose. Logan imagined that it was from his unsuccessful landing during their fight earlier.

"Hey Logan." Virgil said as Logan approached. Logan was quick to put a finger to his mouth.

"Hello. Please try to avoid the use of my name for now." Logan gestured to his family.

"Okay?" Virgil said questionably.

Logan prided himself on how much he looked like his correct gender. He had gotten tips from the internet on how to deepen his voice with his tongue, he wore clothes that made him look more broad, and he was always binding in some way.

Suddenly, Logan remembered the binding. He was still wearing his binder. No wonder his ribs had hurt so bad since he had removed the suit. Virgil stood up to leave, but Logan grabbed ahold of his arm.

"Would you be willing to stay? I would like to not be seen while being checked, and I worry Patton may see me."

"Sure, but why? And more specifically, why me?"

"Because I know you will be more likely to keep a secret, and you are strategically closer. Although I suppose you can always get Janus, as he would understand more."

"It's fine, I'll get Janus to come over and distract Patton then. That work for you?"

"Yes." Logan sighed in relief, then turned away to step into the ambulance.

The EMT was very kind. At first it was a man, but when he saw that Logan was not what he had expected, he switched with a female EMT. She had kindly asked Logan to remove his binding, which was just a wrap of Ace Bandages wrapped tightly around his chest, and asked him to lift the sports bra from his ribs without moving the front. She frowned at his ribs, which were an angry red, and then requested he throw away his bandages.

"Absolutely not."

"Sweet pea," She gently placed her hand on his shoulder. "I know this feels terrifying, and that this bandage is the only hope of control you have, but this kind of binding is extremely unsafe."

He still refused, clutching onto the bandages tighter than before.

She sighed, before moving to the front of the ambulance and returning with a roll of KT tape. "Trade." She handed it out to him. "This is much safer. Ace bandages are cheaper sometimes, and much easier to explain then others, but they are so much worse. Please use this instead."

"Thank you." Logan said, reluctantly handing her the old binding and taking the KT tape from her.

"It would be smart to let your ribs sit like they are now. I know it might not be the most comfortable, but if you are really concerned, you can untuck your shirt to help you lose your definition."

"How do you know so much?"

The EMT looked at him with kindness in her eyes. "I see this. Sometimes it's worse. So when I see someone like you, who I can help, I make sure I do my research so I can do my job for you too."

Logan wasn't sure what to respond with, so instead he simply shoved the roll as best as he could into his back pocket, and rebuttoned his nasty shirt. Then he thanked her again, before leaving the ambulance. Janus was standing out front, waiting on his turn, with a concerned expression on his face.

"You okay?"

"I am unsure." Logan said, a bit dazed.

"I gave Patton our phone numbers while you were in there. So we could talk later."

"That is wise."

"Goodnight, Logan." Janus said, before patting Logan on the back and walking into the ambulance. Logan sighed again, and looked down at his wrist for the first time. The bracelet was now a watch. It was a dark blue, with a digital face and different buttons that Logan assumed did different things. He smiled briefly , before walking back to his sisters.

"Ready Nora?" Ella asked.

"Yes." Logan said, before following Ella to the car. His next oldest sister, a junior in highschool, walked beside him.

"You okay?" She- Rachel- asked.

"I believe so. I suspect it is just exhaustion." He lied, trying to ignore the feeling of his chest so open.

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