Chapter 57.

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Patton was grabbing Virgil when Remus shouted, “Let’s go!”

Virgil was getting up on shaky feet, adjusting to getting thrown across the room. Patton and Roman grabbed onto an arm each, before running after Remus. The witch got to the door before they did, and pulled out a staff similarly to how they did their weapons. “Champions don’t run away.” She cackled.

Patton shifted Virgil’s weight over to Roman, who looked at him from under his helmet. Then Patton charged forwards. How dare she hurt Janus! How dare she hurt Virgil! Patton felt anger bubble in his veins until he could feel the pressure in the room change. He lifted himself off the ground to ram into her. The Witch flew back and through a wall on the other side of the hallway. She looked dazed. “Now’s the time!” Patton called, and Remus did the new trick he’d learned. He opened a portal that opened onto the rooftop they’d been earlier. Patton would have stopped to admire it if he wasn’t so focused on getting out to really care. He took back one of Virgil’s arms and helped Roman carry their friend through. The witch stood up as they made their way through, screaming the whole time. Her hand snagged against Patton’s boot, and he fell through the portal. She reached back to grab his boot again. To drag him back. Then Remus closed the portal, and her rocky hand clattered to the floor, severed from its arm.

No one stopped to really acknowledge it, however, and Remus opened the Sanctuary to let everyone through. Patton stood back up as Virgil stood on his own feet again, then followed Logan and Roman through. Virgil was close behind, and Remus closed it behind himself and an unconscious Janus.

Patton offered to help Remus, but he shook his head, before jumping away and appearing at the door of the lounge. Patton and the others followed, and he walked side by side with Logan. Roman took up the rear with Virgil, and they made their way into the lounge one after the other. Remus set Janus down on the couch gently, before he stood back up.

“Deactivate.” He flashed his usual green, before sitting down on the floor by Janus’s head and pulled off the sleeping ranger’s beanie. Virgil took a few steps forward, reaching out his hand, but Patton smacked it down.

“Deactivate.” Patton said, and turned to look at Virgil. “You and I both know you aren’t able to right now. How is he?”

Remus hummed, seemingly his usual self now that Janus was back. “I think he’s okay. I don’t see anything too concerning right now.” He grabbed Janus’s hand and held it in his own.

“Deactivate.” Logan said, before grabbing Patton’s hand and sitting him down on a beanbag. Patton leaned against Logan’s shoulder, the exhaustion afterwards finally kicking in.

“Deactivate.” He heard Virgil say. He opened his eyes to see a very unhappy Virgil being held up again by Roman. Roman sat him down on the other bean bag, before walking over to the kitchenette and bringing back a few first aid kits. He sat them down in front of Virgil, before flashing back to his normal self and sitting next to him. Roman slowly opened the box and looked at a bruise forming over Virgil’s eye from the impact. He checked out his chest, where he’d been hit, too. Patton looked over at Logan. His glasses were missing a lens in them, and Patton could see a cut just before his ear. Patton looked at it, gently moving his hand to check if it was okay, before Logan snapped out of his mind and looked at him.

“I am okay, Patton.”

“I’d still like to look.” Patton frowned, turning Logan’s head back to where it had been so he could check further. He noticed a few more cuts leading down the side of his face, and Patton noticed flecks of glass embedded in the cuts. “Logan!” Patton fussed, before taking one of the first aids and grabbing a set of tweezers.


“You can’t tell? One of your lenses broke, the glass is in your face. Hold still.” Patton explained, before using the tweezers to pull the small shards out. They were absolutely tiny, and Patton had to move his head to watch the light bounce off the glass before he could find the pieces. However, he eventually got all of them by Logan’s ear, and had Logan turn to face him. Patton was momentarily distracted by his blue eyes, and stared at them for a moment, before Logan coughed politely. Patton felt his face heat up, and he started looking through the cuts around Logan’s eye and cheek. He found more glass pieces, a bit amazed there were none in Logan’s eye itself, but grateful nonetheless. After he finished, Patton pulled a cotton swab out and cleaned through all the cuts. Logan winced periodically as Patton brushed through the open cuts, but he finished and bandaged the ones that were still bleeding.

“My Little Pony or Strawberry Shortcake?” Roman asked Virgil, holding up two boxes of Band-Aids.


“Yes. Now, My Little Pony or Strawberry Shortcake?”

“Which one do I have?” Logan whispered into Patton’s ear.

“The last of the Star Wars pack.”

“I’m sorry, I thought you only had a brother? What are these options??” Virgil groaned.

“Well, that’s sexist.” Roman laughed. “I loved My Little Pony as a kid!”

Patton noticed Virgil blush a little, before he attempted to save face. “So did I! But I don’t now.

“That is a falsehood.” Logan noted, shifting his broken glasses on his face.

Roman looked like he had won a victory, and Virgil looked betrayed. “My Little Pony it is! I’m gonna give you Pinkie Pie.”

“Why do you hate me?” Virgil asked, but let Roman put a collection of bright pink pony band aids on his face.

“Jesus, I go out for 10 minutes and you fucks play doctor.” Janus’s groggy voice came from the couch.

“Janus!” Roman yelled, looking away from Virgil. Patton looked over too as Remus helped the yellow ranger sit up on the couch.

“How long was I out?”

“About 20 minutes.” Remus answered, scooting up to sit on the couch beside Janus.

“Thank god.” Janus said, rubbing his face. “So, what all happened, and what was in my head?”

“Why don’t you tell us what happened, and we can answer.” Virgil offered, shifting to be closer to Roman as Patton watched.

Janus began to tell them what had happened after Remus left him in the alley, and went through everything, up until he blacked out.

“You nailed it.”

“All of it?” Janus looked defeated. “What do I do? They know it’s me. They know I’m the Yellow Ranger… Oh god, my mom…” There was silence as Janus seemed to process everything. After a moment, he looked back up. “Let me tell her. Let me show her that I’m okay. Let me tell her I’m a ranger.” Janus said, more a demand than a request. “I don’t want to do it behind your backs, but she needs to know.”

“Okay.” Roman nodded. Remus nodded silently too.

“It would be wise for you, and even your mother, to stay in the Sanctuary.” Logan said. “But I support your decision to tell her.”

“Yeah.” Patton nodded. “I think it’s smart.” Virgil nodded as well.

“Thanks, guys.” Janus said, and Patton could hear his voice crack. Remus put his head on Janus’s shoulder, and Janus put his head on top of Remus’s.

“Remus, I’m gonna tell mom that we were still looking for Janus, and decided to crash at a friend’s. Okay?”

Remus gave a thumbs up with his eyes closed.

“I’ll text my dad.” Virgil commented. “Tell him I’m out and let him make up a lie with Mom.”

“I will also message my-” Logan stopped. “I cannot stay.”

“Why not?”

“My parents are home.”

Patton frowned, thinking. “How about we crash here, then Remus can send you and I back home in the morning?”

Remus nodded. “I’m good with that.”

Logan looked at Patton, and his features softened. “Okay.”

Roman looked up from his phone. “I texted mom, she’ll be pissed.”

“I’m pissed with her too.” Remus snapped.

“Yeah…” Roman frowned. “You should go get Janus’s mom, Remus.”

Remus sighed, before standing up and walking out of the lounge.

“I’m gonna go stand outside for a bit.” Roman commented. “I’m still kinda warm.” He said, before walking outside as well. Patton put his head back to Logan’s shoulder, and Virgil stood up, before walking awkwardly over to the couch and sitting with Janus. The yellow ranger put his head against Virgil’s, before Patton saw the tears start falling.

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