Chapter 63.

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Virgil had only just watched Remus vanish when he collapsed onto his bed, much colder now that there wasn’t a heater named Roman next to him. Virgil had almost not even left. If the Dragon Witch really was after him next, he wasn’t sure that being home with his parents would do much good for them, or him for that matter. However, he had remembered Patton reminding him to keep calm, and pretend everything was normal. So he’d gone home, and now was holding his pillow close to his chest as he worried. He was about to give in and go downstairs to tell his parents that he was gonna go visit a friend on his day off when his dad burst through the door.

“Oh thank god.” His dad said.

Virgil shifted and sat up, still holding his pillow in his lap. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing. I was just worried you hadn’t realized that school was cancelled and that I was gonna have to make up another lie with your mother.” His dad laughed, and came in the rest of the way. He sat down on Virgil’s bed. “Was it that Roman guy?”


“Were you spending the night with your boyfriend?” His dad nudged him playfully, and Virgil stuck his face into the pillow. “I’ll take that as a yes.”

“Whatever, Dad.”

“Hey, I need to talk to you for a sec.” His dad said, shifting to look at his son better.

“Yeah? What’s up?”

“It’s about your grandmother.” His dad said, looking at Virgil.

Virgil frowned. His dad never talked about his mom, since she had died when Virgil was little. “What about her?”

“Well, she used to tell me stories about the Power Rangers when I was growing up. Then when I got older and became more interested in their history, she told me about her mom. My grandmother.”

“That is how genealogy works.” Virgil joked. His dad laughed.

“Smart ass. She told me about her mother being a World War two nurse, before she was assigned to a particular unit. My mom said that her mom would never tell her about it, and that it was all top secret. Then one day she came back, and that was when my mom found out that my grandmother had been withdrawn from the military for at least three years.”

“Wait, so my great-grandmother was a World War two nurse who claimed to switch to a top secret program, but in reality she hadn’t been?”

“That was what my mom thought at first.” He admitted. “However, then she was found killed in her home.”

Virgil gasped, “What happened?”

“They think it was a robbery, but only one thing was taken.”

“What was it?”

His dad sighed, looking at Virgil oddly. “She apparently had this bracelet that she claimed was a military issued identifier, but that wasn’t true. She apparently never took it off. Then, when she died, it had been forcibly removed.”

“Dad. Why are you telling me this?” Virgil’s head was spinning. Bracelet? She never took it off? Could she have been a Power Ranger too?

His dad frowned, before looking at Virgil’s wrist, pointedly at his band, before back. “You can tell me anything, kid. You know that, right?”

He knew. Oh fuck, he knew. He knew. Virgil felt panic flood his veins, before another emotion settled him down. Relief? “Dad, I-”

There was a loud knock at the door, and Virgil and his dad both looked away. “Were you expecting anyone?”

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