Chapter 29.

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“Wait, what do you mean Ranger?” Virgil asked. His mind flashed back to the stories he used to hear as a kid.

“I mean, that’s what the Dragon Witch called us.” Roman shrugged. “Well, I guess her henchman. Why?”

“Like… Power Ranger?” Virgil asked. “Of course! That’s what we are. I knew I recognized the color scheme and suit design!”

“What’s a Power Ranger, kiddo?” Patton asked, taking a sip of his tea.

“They’re a group of superheroes. There are legends about them from a really long time ago, but the best translation is a Power Ranger. It’s always a set of six. Red, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple, and Pink. Apparently they used to show up when there was a danger to a group of people. Ancient Egypt had legends of them, when they fought against the “army of Set.”. Then they were in ancient Japan and fought against Yokai. And then the Greeks, Romans, and Anglo-Saxons histories too. I don’t know why I didn’t think about it before.”

“I think that’s the most words I have heard you say strung together.” Roman quipped.

“We met yesterday.” Virgil reminded.


“You know a lot kiddo.” Patton said, looking at Virgil.

“My dad has a degree in ancient history. A master’s actually. He worked at a university for a while studying artifacts in the subject before he met my mom.” Virgil said. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to take away from what you were saying.”

“No!” Roman said. “It’s fine. Why don’t you go next?”

“Sure.” Virgil said. “I’m Virgil Storm.”

“Hi Virgil.”

“I’m 16. I’m an Aqurius. I like fashion design, sewing, and history. I also really like Disney movies. I-”

“You like Disney? Mr. Doom and Gloom?” Roman raised an eyebrow.

“Yes.” Virgil ignored him. “Yesterday, I was the purple ranger. I think I can control water. I’m queer. He, him, his.”

Patton grinned, and gestured to Logan, who shifted uncomfortably, before speaking. “Hello, I am Logan Berry.”

“Hi Logan.”

“I am 16. I am a Capricorn. I enjoy reading and I am in the process of learning spanish. I would like to go to college to become a teacher, or a professor. I am-” Logan seemed to falter. He glanced at Janus briefly, before looking back at Patton. Virgil watched as Logan set his jaw and shifted in his chair again. “I am a transgender male. He, him, his. I am also homosexual. However, I have not told my family yet.”

Virgil thought back to the ambulance yesterday, and Logan’s urgency to make sure that Virgil didn’t say his name. Suddenly it made sense. Logan seemed to sit straighter in his chair, and Virgil figured he was either debating poking into their minds, or already had.

“Oh Logan!” Patton said, grinning widely. “Thank you for telling us!”

“Yes.” Roman said. “It’s our secret.”

“Thank you.” Logan said, visibly deflating in his chair. “Patton, I believe you are the last to share.”

“Oh gosh.” Patton said. “Hi! I’m Patton Hart.”

“Hi Patton.”

“Hello!” He giggled. “Sorry, already said that. I’m 15. I’m a Saggitarius. I am vice-president of the student council, and president of the GSA. Oh my god. You should all come today! Well, if we don’t have detention. Sorry, um.” Patton paused to think. “I live with my dads, who are both awesome, and I volunteer at a local animal shelter. I’m pansexual, and I’m pangender, which just means I’m good with any pronoun, and normally don’t care about any gender I fall under.”

“You don’t have a preference?” Janus asked.

“Not really!” Patton answered with a smile. “Most people end up with he/him, which makes me just as happy as she/her or they/them!”

Virgil took another swig of his hot chocolate. Why was he so cold? “Makes sense. So we all introduced ourselves. Now what?”

“Well, I for one want to talk to you more about that sewing habit of yours.” Roman said. “The theater department has no sewing costume team.”

Virgil smiled slightly, and conversation began to rise between people. He and Roman talked back and forth about theater, which Virgil pretended to know less about than he really did just to watch Roman get more exasperated. Every so often, Virgil could catch a bit of conversation from Remus, Janus, Logan, and Patton, but not enough to make out what they were talking about. Eventually, Patton chimed in to tell Roman that he was a part of the committee for the theater productions that year. This pulled all six into a conversation between each other about a mix of different topics. Virgil could feel himself slowly relax as the conversation became more natural. Turns out, he had a good bit in common with the others. Sure, their outsides were different, but both Patton and Janus were animal lovers. Roman and Logan both spoke spanish. Even Remus and Virgil enjoyed the same show genres.

Next thing Virgil knew, Logan’s alarm on his watch went off from his wrist. “I am afraid we will have to continue this conversation on our ways to school.”

And they did. All six of them walked around each other in a big group as they made their ways to school, and Virgil was enjoying every second of it.

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