Chapter 47.

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Roman was at theater club, which met every Friday, and was about to leave when his phone rang. He ignored it for a moment, focusing on saying his goodbyes to his theater friends, before walking out of the auditorium and looking down.

Remus: Monster in park. Rangering up now. Meet up there.

“Fuck.” Roman said under his breath, before darting up to the computer lab. He remembered Virgil telling him that Logan was wanting to research with him on Friday. Sure enough, they were there, along with Patton, who had finished up his club activities and was now with them.

“Roman, I was unaware you were still here.” Logan said.

“What is it?” Virgil asked, recognizing the look on Roman’s face.

“Monster in the park. Janus and Remus are already there. We gotta go.”

Logan and Virgil jumped from their seats, followed by a more hesitant Patton, and they all ran outside. Roman led them into the woods, where they all suited up. Patton was in the air in a second, grabbing ahold of Virgil’s hand and lifting him into the air. Roman did the same, lifting up the same way he had before. Logan lifted himself up with his telekinesis, and they were off. Roman spoke into his helmet, hoping their suits were connected from this far.

“We are on the way, Remus!”

“Oh thank fuck.” Remus called back. “This thing is a bitch.”


“I believe these may be extenuating circumstances, Pink. I also believe it would be wise to switch our names to our colors, as there may be people.”

“Right.” Roman agreed, and gave himself a bit more speed as they reached the park. He landed on the ground behind Patton and Virgil, and instantly began to look around. “Pink, you, Purple, and Yellow get these people out of here and assess any injuries. Blue, Green, and I will keep this thing busy until you give the all clear.”

Roman heard various agreements in his ear as he charged forwards, calling his sword to his hand as he did. Logan was on Roman's heels, already holding his axe as he ran behind. Roman watched Janus begin to back away as Remus took a big jump and hit the monster in the eye with his mace. It gave a roar as it reeled back. Roman reached Janus, and stood in front of him as the other darted back to help get people out. The monster had recovered mostly, however it now had a nasty cut over its eye and a blue-green liquid leaked from his face.

“We can hurt these ones!” Roman called. “Keep swinging.”

He took a running jump, slashing against the monster’s back leg. It turned to face him and Roman felt himself thrown across the park. He bumped the ground a few times before catching himself in the air with his heat and flying back to the monster and going overhead. Then, Patton showed up, giving themselves cloud cover as they summoned their arrow. Roman gave him a nod, before darting back down to see Janus throwing his daggers at the monster. Roman threw his sword up and gave it another solid slash to the back as he landed on the ground. Then, he saw an arrow land on the creature's side. The monster simply pulled it out and threw it to the ground, before letting out another roar. However, this one was lower, and made Roman’s hair stand on end. Roman saw one of the legs take a swing at him and he dodged, before he heard Pink give a startled yell.

“Pink!” Logan yelled, quickly launching himself into the sky.

“There are more! They look like… like… I don’t know, but there are a lot of them!”

“Brace!” Roman called, “Pink, get to the ground for now until we know more!”

He saw Patton dart to the ground as a swarm of… things came at them. Roman wasn’t sure what they were either, but they had the wings of a bee, and weird limbs that ended in sharp points, but they were vaguely humanoid shaped. Their faces were a mass of twisted skin that seemed melted to them, and an open maw for a mouth. Roman threw his sword up to block one as it slashed at him on its way down. He slashed his sword down at it, and it poofed into a yellowish black dust. Now distracted from the monster, Roman watched as four more landed and stalked towards him. He lunged forwards, and thrust his sword into one as he saw a flash of Purple come towards him. He turned his back as the other ranger bumped into him. They stood back to back.

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