Useless Creations

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TW: Dude gets straight up murdered in this one, sooo...

The Dragon Witch was furious. She couldn't understand why her creation department had sent out such a useless creature like that. However, she had been pleasantly surprised, when she came down to scream at them, only to find a man hanging from the ceiling in chains.

"A ranger?" She asked, trying to avoid looking as thrilled as she felt. Her underlings scampered around her, avoiding her direct gaze.

"Yes, mistress. We believe so. He has a genetic link." One answered.

She gave a malevolent smile. How wonderful this day may be yet. She looked at the man hanging before her. It was clearly older than she had expected, but she wasn't completely sure with this species. She had refused to learn enough about them to care anyways. The man had a head full of dark hair and green eyes. She lifted its head by the hair, grabbing a fistfull in her hand. The man grimaced, but looked at her with terror shining in his eyes.

"Are you a ranger?" She asked calmly, looking at it with the interest of someone deciding if they liked a gift or not.

"A what?" It asked her, eyes full of fear. Oh the Witch was enjoying this. She let go of its hair, and watched as the head dropped, before she looked at its wrists. Bare.

"I thought you said it was genetically linked?" She snapped with a voice suddenly dripping in rage. The one who'd answered first squeaked out a response.

"He is! We figured if it wasn't him, then he may have a kid!"

The Dragon Witch turned back to her prey, and took a finger to the back of its neck, gently making circles against its skin as she walked back around and lifted its head again. "Tell me, do you have a child?"

"I think so, why?" it said.

"How can you not be sure?" She said, "it really isn't a difficult question." She dug a nail into its neck.

"I do! I do!" It whimpered out. "I guess he'd be about high school age, I don't know. I left when he was little."

"And the child's name?"

"Janus. Janus Duplis." It answered. "Please don't kill me."

"Find the child," the Witch ordered as she let go of her prey. "And when you do," She pointed to the man in chains, "kill it."

"No please! Please!" It cried as she turned. The Dragon Witch paused, before turning back around.

"On second thought." She said, walking back as the man in chains visibly relaxed. "I might need these chains soon." She put a hand under its chin, before her other hand went behind its head. She gently ran a finger through its hair, before grabbing a hold and jerking with her back hand and pushing against its chin with her front one until she heard the crack and its body went limp in the chains. "Clean it up before we bring in my first champion, and alert me when he is found."

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