Chapter 18.

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Patton was grateful that one of his arms was around Roman's shoulders. Otherwise, he wasn't confident in his ability to stand. His mind could still hear the awful 'tink' noise that that spider had been making. He felt like there were millions of little spiders in his suit that were crawling around. Even when they were suddenly in the forest again, Patton was too focused on the idea of thousands of creepy crawlies inside his uniform. He couldn't get the suit off. He couldn't check. He held his breath so they couldn't climb into his mouth. He squinted his eyes so he wouldn't see them.

"Patton. Patton breathe." A voice cut through. "Do we know how to turn off these things?"

"No, why?" Another voice answered. Then other voices entered his ears. Oh god his ears. He moved his hands to his ears, but the helmet stopped them. He couldn't stop it. He felt himself collapse into the dust. Oh god, there were spiders on the ground. They were in his suit. Voices swam into his ears periodically.





Then someone was grabbing Patton. Or were those the spiders? Patton didn't want to risk it, instead scrambling away while yelping. "Spiders!" was all he could get out.

"Patton. Patton, listen." The voice entered into his ears again. "Will you say 'deactivate' for me?"

"Sp... ah... spiders."

"Patton, breathe. Just say deactivate."

"D... Deac- spiders..." Patton tried to claw through his suit. "Deactivate! Spiders! Spiders!"

Suddenly, Patton felt wind on his face and arms. His hands were gripping onto the grass for dear life. He could feel the grass. His eyes flew open and he began to check himself over and over for the spiders he knew were there.

"Patton. Patton!" Patton turned to face Logan crouched down in front of him. Virgil was close behind. Logan wasn't in the suit anymore, instead wearing the clothes he'd been in earlier. Admittedly they were more dirty than anything. The others weren't far away, all looking down at Patton with concern etched into their eyes.

Patton looked at himself again, feeling against his sky blue polo and gray cardigan for any spiders. There were none. His shirt was disgusting though, and his khakis were just as bad. "There were no spiders, were there?"

"No. I believe you may have been experiencing..." Logan trailed off, looking down at Patton with an odd look. It was kinda cute to Patton. "I was unaware you were afraid of spiders."

"Yeah, but we got bigger things right now." Patton said, not quite ready to get off the ground. "How are we here?"

"What all just happened?" Janus wondered.

"Are we superheroes?" Remus asked. This silenced them all.

"I don't feel like one." Patton said finally.

"Oh come on Pat!" Remus said, jumping slightly. "You definitely are, after you shot that monster!"

"Then I panicked over non-existent spiders."

"That doesn't change what you did." Roman said, puffing his chest slightly. "Thank you, Patton."

There was a bit of silence as everyone thought further. Patton ran through everything that had just happened. Then he looked down. The bracelet was still there, although it looked different now. Instead of a weird glowing pink band, it was a small charm style bracelet, with charms like a heart with the pan flag in it, or a dog face. There was a TARDIS from one of Patton's favorite shows, and a cat face with the word "Meow-velous!" on it. Then at the bottom was a small pink gem, a bit darker than the color of his suit. He smiled as the bracelet jingled slightly when he moved his wrist.

Slowly, the sound of faint voices broke everyone out of their respective thoughts. Virgil broke the silence. "How long have we been gone?"

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