Chapter 93.

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Logan's hands were still shaking horribly from removing Patton's chip. He'd struggled with Virgil's, hating the knowledge that he was hurting his friend even if it would help him. Then he'd done the same to Patton, and had been grateful that Debbie and Laura were there to talk him through everything. Logan had pulled out the little ball, setting it in another container and handing it to Debbie. He then had closed the wound with the first aid kits Roman had brought and the extra items that the Duplis's had gotten while at the store. After that he'd moved Patton over to the bean bag with him, pulling the sleeping man closer and holding on like he'd never let go. Logan removed Patton's glasses, before taking off his own and pressing closer.

"Lo?" Patton's groggy voice stirred Logan awake again, and he shot up to begin checking the other over.

"Patton! Are you alright? I removed the chip, but I was worried I may have injured you. You still remember me, right? I am-"

"Lo. I remember you." Patton giggled, giving Logan a chaste kiss and reaching over for his glasses. Logan grabbed them from where he'd set his own. "And yes, I'm alright. Maybe tired, and my neck's kinda sore, but I'm okay."

"You promise?"

"Promise." Patton said, and Logan smiled at him. "Lo, I'm sorry that you had to morph in front of your parents."

"It was not your fault."

"Still, I'm sorry it happened at all. How did they handle it?"

"Not well, but I did not stay to talk after they stopped me from saving you."

"To be fair, they had no idea I was chipped."

Logan huffed. "I suppose."

"How are you doing, Lo?"

"Much better, now that you are back." Logan said, looking down and smiling at Patton. "I do have some bad news, however."

"What's that?" Patton frowned at him.

"Your book was damaged when something crushed Turbo."

Patton looked at him with an odd expression, before giggling a little. "Lo, I can always get another book. If you still want to finish it?"

"God, yes."

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