Chapter 7.

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Roman screamed on his way down, and he could hear the others scream as they fell too. Thankfully it wasn't a far drop, only maybe ten or twelve feet, but it still hurt when Roman landed in a heap only to have his brother fall on top of him.

"Roman, my knight." Remus teased.

"Get off me, you-" Roman glanced at Patton. "-you know." Remus stood, before offering his hand to his brother. Roman accepted, and got up to dust himself off. He looked above him, and quickly noticed that the ground around them was rock, but above them was mud. Roman didn't think he could climb through the mud, so he looked around, before noticing a tunnel off to his right. He looked back at the rest of the group. "Everyone ok?"

"I'm just fantastic." Both Virgil and Janus said in tandem.

"Great, now there are two sarcastic bitc- I mean..." Roman trailed off. He never noticed how much he cursed until he was around Patton. "Look, let's just go."

"Go where? Into that cave with no idea if it actually leads to an opening where we can escape?" Logan asked.

"Unless you have a better idea." Roman answered. "Look, I'll go first. Our dad used to take us on hiking trips and sometimes we would go through caves. I can go ahead and come back if there are any exits."

"Not alone you're not." Remus argued, and barged over to the entrance, walking in first. "Enjoy the view!"

"God- Remus!" Roman fussed, before following in behind him.

Almost instantly, the cave got shorter, and the light faded. The brothers made their way through the cave in silence, only speaking when they had to. The cave eventually got small enough that they were on their hands and knees for a while. Roman was not enjoying being behind Remus, and he wasn't sure if that was due to his concern for his brother's safety, or the fact that he was convinced his brother was farting in his direction any chance he got. Suddenly, the cave opened back up, and Roman heard his brother mutter a "woah" under his breath.

"What? What is it- Woah." Roman said as he entered the space behind his brother. There was a space inside the cave that was almost the size of a large living room. However, that wasn't what surprised the twins. Somehow, someone had set up a small living space down here. There was a bed in one corner. Well, a mattress, but still. A door on the far end, and a bucket that Roman got the feeling wasn't for anything he wanted to know about. As Roman stood with his mouth slightly ajar, Remus walked further into the room. Roman snapped out of it when his twin walked over to a weird rock formation in the center of the room and reached his hand out to touch it.

"Hey dumbass, maybe don't?"

"It looks like a birdbath. Come look." Remus said. Roman let his curiosity get the best of him, and walked closer, until Roman could see that there was a small dish made from the rock, where a shallow pool of water sat. Remus reached his hand up again, but Roman smacked it back down.

"We are looking for an exit. If whoever it was brought a mattress down here, then there has got to be a big enough space to leave through."

"Roman. Why would there be a mattress down here?"

Roman shrugged. "I don't think I want to know. Look, why do you go get the others and lead them back here, and I'll find out what's on the other side of that door."

Remus nodded, and said a quick "be careful" before jogging back towards the entrance they crawled in through. Roman watched until he couldn't see his brother anymore, before walking cautiously towards the door. This whole place gave him the creeps, and he just wanted to be out of here. He reached his hand towards the door, and after a pause, he grabbed onto the doorknob. He pulled against the door, but it didn't budge. Roman grabbed at the nob with both hands, before putting one leg against the cave wall and pulling with all his might, but the door still refused to move. He looked around for any sort of lever to pry the door open with, but no luck. Roman went back to pulling against it.

"What are you doing?"

"Ah! Sweet Spotlights!" Roman shouted as he spun around violently, throwing his fists up. He was met with the others, who had all climbed through the cave entrance, and were all staring at his inability to open a door.

"Need any help with that door?" Virgil teased, eyebrow raised. Roman just stuck his tongue out. Admittedly, he had been distracted by how pretty Virgil was. He had dark hair with heavy bangs that hung low over his eyes, so Roman could only barely see the deep blue eyes that seemed to dig into Roman's soul. Roman realized he was staring again as he watched Virgil shift his weight awkwardly, and looked away as heat rushed towards his ears. Roman liked girls anyway. He had to, that way Remus could like whoever he wanted.

"I see why we came here. This mattress presents a hopeful outlook, but I am more perplexed by the odd centerpiece here." Logan said, gesturing towards the odd looking birdbath Roman had seen earlier. "However, if the door is stuck, we may have to look for other alternatives."

"I doubt it's stuck, I just wasn't pulling all that hard." Roman defended. He reached back over to the doorknob, and braced himself against the wall with his leg again, before pulling with all of his might. However, instead of remaining stuck like it had, the door opened with ease, and Roman tripped against the door and almost fell to the floor. "S-See? Not hard at all."

"Uh, Roman?" Patton spoke.


"What's that?"

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