Chapter 27.

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Logan just wanted everyone to shut up. He didn't really care how rude it sounded. He could hear so many voices and feel so many confusing emotions all at once that it felt like someone had taken a mallet to his head, then blasted heavy metal into his ears while Logan recovered. He could hear the Karen lady across from the park staring at them and wondering if she should call the police after seeing Roman and Remus. He could hear the man in an apartment from behind him complaining about the six flights of stairs he would have to climb down since the elevator was out. He could hear Patton daydreaming about flying again, and he could feel the freeing sensation that Patton was remembering. He could hear Janus debating whether or not he should touch the light post that was beside him, and feel the mischievous, almost childlike, curiosity pouring from him. Logan shot him a look and thought as loud as he could at Janus.


"What the fuck?" Janus cursed under his breath, more curiosity rolling off him in waves.

"What?" Virgil asked. Logan could hear the thoughts spinning and see the images of him tied to a table that dangled like banners in his mind. He could feel so much anxiety from him that Logan started to bounce his own leg in restlessness. He could hear Remus thinking of new ways to plot and scheme with his newfound abilities, and Roman thinking back on his dream with the Dragon Witch.

"Wait, who is the Dragon Witch?"

"I'll repeat the question none of you have answered. What the fuck?" Roman answered, panic and concern seeping from his brain. Logan thought about everything happening, put it all in a box, and thought about it being sent to Roman.

Roman's eyes widened. "Woah. Yeah, I think I have some explaining to do too. But first-"

"Dragon witch??"

"Logan talked in my brain!"

"Can we keep it down?"

"Do you think I can teleport more people?"

"Slow down!"

"Quiet!" Logan shouted. "For goodness sake. All of your thoughts are loud enough. One person at a time. Please."

There were murmurs of apologies from the group, and Logan felt Patton put his hand on Logan's back, rubbing in circles. The feeling soothed Logan, and the thoughts swirling in his head were easier to sort. Patton spoke again, softly this time. "Roman, what were you saying?"

"Right. I was gonna say that first we should figure out how to turn this off, but I imagine that's probably not very possible. So maybe I just start with what happened to me to catch everyone up to speed." Roman said, before telling the others the story of his dream, and the Dragon Witch. Then waking up with the spot on his shoulder.

"Can you-" Janus spoke loudly, but was quickly shushed by Patton and glared at by Logan. "Sorry." He spoke softer. "Can you show us?"

"Yeah." Roman pulled his shirt up on his left side, removing his arm from the hole and letting the shirt rest against his neck. Patton removed his hand gently from Logan's back, causing the swirl of thoughts to pick up speed again, and moved over to Roman.

"Roman, this looks pretty serious."

"Let me see." Virgil said, radiating a feeling that felt somewhat familiar, but Logan couldn't place it in the mix of everything. "I took classes on how to handle this when I volunteered at a daycare."

"You volunteered at a daycare??" Patton gasped.

"Not important, Pat, but yes." Virgil smirked, and walked over to Roman. "May I look at it?"

"Yeah," Roman said, looking anywhere but at Virgil.

Virgil placed a finger gently on the injury, and Logan watched as his skin slowly reddened, then the burn scarred over until there was nothing left. "I- I think I- ow." Virgil muttered.

"Wow, it's like it was never there." Roman admired, before looking back to Virgil as he pulled his shirt down. "Thank- are you okay?"

"Ye-yeah. Jesus. My arm just." Virgil gasped a bit, before pulling at the fabric of his own shirt to reveal a faded burn on his own shoulder, a bit more raised than Roman's.

"Jesus." Roman moved forwards quickly. "I didn't know you were gonna take it, I wouldn't have-"

"I didn't either, otherwise I wouldn't have touched the damn thing." Virgil fussed, pushing Roman off of him. Patton moved back to Logan, putting a gentle hand on Logan's shoulder. Roman continued to fuss with Virgil's new burn, but Logan tried to spend the time he had focusing on putting all the thoughts that weren't his voice, or the others nearby, into a box. He closed his eyes as he imagined closing the box, hoping and praying that this would work. He put the thoughts and emotions that were from the group around him into a separate box, labeling them neatly in his mind and putting them off to the side, before he opened his eyes again. The voices he didn't recognize were gone from his head, and he could only feel the dull buzzing of emotions that weren't coming from his head. He closed his eyes again, and gently touched the box with the "random voices" label on it. His mind was suddenly flooded with their thoughts, but when he removed his hand, they disappeared. He opened his eyes again, and noticed that Patton's hand was still on his shoulder. Logan, now in only his mind, felt his face flush and ears pink.



"I'm better now." Logan said, smiling gently at him as Roman now fought Virgil to look at his scar again and give it back.

"Oh." Patton looked down, before looking back a bit shyly. "Do you mind if I keep my hand here? It's keeping me grounded."

"Not at all." Logan smiled, before looking back at the others.

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