Chapter 13.

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Logan looked down at himself as the others did the same. He instantly noticed small marks on the sides of the helmet he now wore, which gave details about his vitals, the suit, and other random things he wasn’t sure about yet. His vitals were high, unsurprisingly, and he took the mental energy to pause and take a deep breath, before looking at the axe in his left hand. It looked very heavy, yet it was so light to Logan that he barely noticed it in his hand. It was wickedly sharp too, with a soft gleam from the light at the door. Logan finally looked up as he heard Roman’s voice, much closer in his ear than the man really was, say something. Logan reached up and touched the helmet where his ear would be, wondering if there was some sort of earpiece.

There was more silence as the group tried to soak in their new outfits and swallow the shock.

“So…” Remus said after a while, flinging the mace he held over his shoulder, “I vote we leave now.”

“Wait-” Janus began.

“I agree.” Logan nodded, watching the weapon Remus held with a cautious stare. The kid had just gotten him into trouble that morning for pranking their new principal; the last thing Remus needed now was a sharp weapon and a mask. “However, I believe the only way out would be to break down the door there, and I imagine that-”

“Well, I don’t think-” Janus muttered again into Logan’s left ear.

“Hey.” Roman cut Logan off by speaking then putting one of his fingers to his red helmet where his mouth would be. “I think someone’s coming.”

Sure enough, a small flashing light blinked in and out of existence in the bottom corner of Logan’s vision, with the words, “Incoming” above it.

“That’s kinda what I was trying to tell you. I heard-”

“What do you suggest we do, strawberry?” Remus asked over top of Janus.

“Don’t call me that you… you… I can’t come up with comebacks while stressed. Just shut up and…” Roman paused before flaunting the longsword in his right hand. “Flaunt these things.”

“I don’t think that you realize. I heard these guys-”

“Technically, the correct term in this instance would be to ‘brandish’ these weapons, but yes. I believe that to be the best next move as well.”

“This really isn’t the time for a vocab lesson, Teach.” Roman muttered.

“Hey, can you three shut it for a moment and listen to Janus?” Virgil suddenly interjected, gesturing his gloved hands at Logan’s yellow friend. “He said he heard something, and I for one want to be informed about what’s going on.”

Janus looked over to Virgil for a moment, then nodded a thank you. “I was trying to say that before I grabbed my bracelet, I had to hide from whoever was living there. Whatever it was-”

“What-ever?” Patton asked. “You don’t mean, who?”

“I don’t think so.” Janus shifted on his feet. “They didn’t look human.”

There was a moment of silence before Remus giggled. “Well what else would they be? A ghostie? Maybe the boogeyman?”

“Remus, the six of us just fell down a sinkhole and grabbed onto magic bracelets that changed our outfits for us. Not human is honestly an easier pill to swallow right now.” Roman growled.

“Does that mean there was a second where all of us were naked in front of each other?”

“Remus!” They all yelled, then broke into a muttering of discomfort as they all grew the same shade of red as Roman’s suit.

“Anyways,” Patton said with a bit of a squeak to his voice. “Continue Janus.”

“R-right…” Janus said, shuddering slightly. “I saw this… whatever it was… and it seemed to want us to have found these things. He said something about them ‘being taken’, and she said that she would ‘send someone for her champions’ or something.”

“She?” Logan asked. “I was under the impression that there had only been one person walking towards us before Virgil and I left.”

“Well, she wasn’t exactly there. He called her.”

“Oh dear god. We had reception down there that whole time?” Virgil asked, exasperated.

“No!” Janus said, before pondering. “Well, I don’t know, but he didn’t exactly use a phone. He walked up to that weird birdbath and some lady’s voice came out of it.”

“Do you think it was the same lady who the statue was based on?” Patton asked quietly. So quietly, in fact, that Logan was glad there were audio devices in his helmet.

“I don’t know.”

“Look.” Remus said, walking forwards and swinging the mace around a bit. “This is a great chat and all, but wouldn't it be better to not have it here?”

“Unfortunately,” Logan sighed, “Remus is correct. It would be more wise to hypothesize somewhere else.”

Remus made a quiet cheer into Logan’s audio piece and did a small dance in place. All this while chanting, “I was right, I was right.”

“Remus. Shut up.” Roman said. “Just swing your mace at the door so we can get out of here.”

“Anything for destruction of property.” Remus cheered and walked over to the door. He pulled back the mace like a baseball bat and wiggled it slightly before swinging it forwards into the door. It remained still, however, the warning light in the corner of Logan’s vision suddenly grew brighter as he heard footsteps begin to sound in the distance.

“Maybe that idea was not the most wise.”

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