Chapter 96.

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Remus opened the Sanctuary portal from his living room, trying to ignore the fear that he felt with Heogguar and the Witch behind him. His powers weren't thrilled either, seeming to argue as Remus opened the swirling mass and stepped through first to open it wider for the others. He couldn't see his friends when he stepped through, and was glad they were already in their hiding spots.

Nathalie came through next, taking a moment to gasp at the beauty of their safe space before stumbling away as Heogguar moved through. Then there was a moment of space between Roman and Virgil until finally the Dragon Witch came through, using her staff to balance herself while adjusting. Remus closed the entrance.

"Now, where are the others?" The Witch questioned, staring at Roman with a challenging look. Remus saw his brother challenge her right back.

Patton, you ready with the first shot?

I'm not even sure this'll work, but yep!

Think happy thoughts, Pat. Virgil encouraged, before Remus heard the whistle of an arrow launch to the floor in front of the Witch, and a billowing cloud of smoke poured out. Remus took a step back as Heogguar spun, before the smoke hid them all from sight.

Activate now, Remus! Roman's voice called, and he could see a flash of red and purple light through the haze.

"Activate." Remus said at a lower volume, and felt his suit come to life, before he teleported to the lounge. Janus was already in there, fully suited, and Remus reached out to him. "You ready?"

"Hell no."

"Me neither. Love you."

I love you too, you big dolt."

Alright. Logan, can you keep up the link while we fight? Roman asked as Remus opened the door and let Janus out.

I do not believe so.

Then go ahead and switch. Pat, give us some wind. Let's fuck 'em up!

Remus felt a strong gust of wind blow at him, and the smoke began to clear, until he saw Heogguar charge towards him.

"Don't get tied down!" Roman yelled as Remus ran forward. "And keep eyes open for Spider-guy's arms!"

"The name's Heogguar, Red!" The monster screamed as Remus neared, summoning portals for him to fall into.

"I refuse to use that awful ass name!" Roman screamed in his ear, before the DW swung at him. Remus watched Heogguar avoid his portals.

"Can't fool me twice, Green!"

Remus kept running forward, until he threw a portal in front of himself and came out above him. The creature hadn't been ready, spinning around as Janus took a shot with his dagger while Remus plummeted towards him. Then Remus summoned his mace and swung down to hit the monster on the head.

Heogguar sunk like a brick, collapsing to the floor while his arms spun wildly. Remus jumped again before he could get nicked, grabbing Janus as he did, and saw an arrow come down from the cloud cover Patton had made for himself and land on Heogguar's arm. Logan was now in the fray too, helping Roman and Virgil fight off the Dragon Witch. Remus took the moment to look around.

"Where's Nathalie?"

"Oh god, where did she go?" Roman asked, looking around before focusing back on his target. Heogguar began to get back up.

"Janus, let's give this guy a fun jolt." Remus grinned under his mask. Janus nodded, charging up a dagger in his hand before throwing it at the monster. Heogguar dodged, and Remus made a portal that lodged it right back into his abdomen. He screamed, clawing out again as Janus gave Remus a high five.

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