Chapter 30.

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Patton was practically bouncing when they all got to school. As they got closer, Virgil asked to hang back a bit to avoid running into his mom, and Janus offered to stay with him. Logan and Roman, who were now talking in Spanish, briefly paused their conversation to tell Patton and Remus that they were going to hurry ahead so they could make it to Logan's locker before they had their first periods. Apparently Logan had something to show Roman. Then, when it was just Remus and Patton, there was a bit of silence.

"So Remus, do you not speak Spanish too?"

"I do. Our dad was big on learning his first language growing up, so both of us are pretty fluent. I just didn't want to talk to them in Spanish if you didn't know it."

"Aw!" Patton jumped slightly. "That's so sweet! Are you a hugger? I know Virgil isn't, and I always like to ask."

"I'm most definitely a hugger."

Patton grinned up at Remus, since he was a bit taller, and wrapped his arms around him. "So Remus, you're into comics?"

"I am." Remus said, pulling away as the two began to walk again. "I mainly have a bunch of small story ideas that never get finished because I lose motivation or get distracted though."

"Do you draw and write?"

"Yeah!" Remus said, reaching behind him to grab at the air. "Oh, I was gonna show you my art journal, but it's in my bag at home. Along with my actual clothes." Remus looked down at himself. He was still in his pj's, and had a nasty bedhead. He looked back up at Patton with a glint to his expression.


"I mean... I can just jump home real quick..."

"Remus!" Patton fussed, but couldn't keep a soft smile from his face either. Remus just had one of those personalities where if he was excited, then so was everyone else. "Not in front of everyone!"

"Well obviously Pat!" Remus looked up the road as the school came closer. They were close now to where the ambulance had been last night. Patton followed Remus's gaze until his eyes fell on the woods.

"Remus! You wanna go back in there for a third time?"

"I mean, kinda, yeah." Remus said, shrugging. "Come on!" He grabbed Patton's hand and pulled him into a jog towards the forest, letting go as the two got to the entrance. "Wait here for me?"

"Sure, Remus." Patton said, his smile slipping slightly. They still knew nothing about these powers, and Patton was a bit worried of what might happen to his new friends if they used them too much. Then again, the minute Remus had disappeared, Patton had snuck into the woods too, and lifted himself into the air to play with the branches. Patton couldn't get enough of the way the wind felt on his skin and the way it tugged on him. Let the wind take you, it seemed to say. Flow with the wind. Patton had a hard time refusing.

It wasn't long before Remus returned, this time in more appropriate clothes for school, and Patton swooped down behind him, tapping his shoulder while being the same height.

"Jesus Pat!" Remus laughed. "You really can! I mean, I believed you, but it's a whole 'nother thing to see it!"

Patton giggled back, before he focused on the heaviness of his feet and landed on the ground. "Come on, let's head in."

"Okay." Remus said, and the two stepped out from the brush together. They began to walk towards the side entrance. "Hey Pat?"

"Yeah, kiddo?"

"What's it feel like? Flying, I mean."

"Gosh." Patton sighed. "It's addicting. I never wanna put my feet back on the ground again. I can hear the wind and it's like it talks with me."

"It seems incredible." Remus agreed. Then opened the door to school, holding it for Patton to walk in. He obliged, walking in and bowing goofily to Remus as he did.

"Do you think we still have detention?"

"Probably." Remus shrugged. "I'm not super concerned."

"Unless we fall down a second sinkhole!"

"I don't think my wrists can handle that much jewelry." Remus laughed.

They had to split eventually, and Patton walked off towards his locker to grab his items. He was caught by a few of his friends throughout his day. Most had already heard what had happened yesterday and wanted to know if he was okay, but some were just curious why he hadn't been at the meetings. He brushed off most of the questions with simple answers, but as he sat down in his second period, he noticed that people weren't just talking about their hike in the woods yesterday.

"I heard they were in superhero costumes." He heard a girl he recognized but couldn't remember the name of say.

"My dad works there, and he said they saved his life yesterday." Another girl, Jenny, spoke up. Patton leaned in, pretending to be looking for something in one of his books.

"Damn, do you think it was some weird publicity stunt?" A guy sitting nearby chimed in.

"No way! I heard they had to shut down the building." The first girl answered.

"I heard it was gonna be demolished because of how destroyed it was." Another boy agreed.

"What are you all talking about?" Patton asked, although he already had a suspicion.

"I guess you didn't hear yet, since you were MIA." The first girl answered. "But apparently there was some explosion or something across town yesterday afternoon, and these superheroes showed up to help."

"My dad said it was a monster." Jenny said.

"Monsters aren't real." One of the boys scoffed. Patton wished that was true.

"But did anyone see these guys?" Patton asked.

"Oh my god! Yes, someone even got a video of them before they vanished." Jenny answered, pulling out her phone and showing Patton a grainy video of him and the others yesterday at the building.

"Woah. Can you send that to me?"

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