Chapter 6.

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Logan's face was about as red as it could be while on the bus. He knew that Patton had simply asked because there were no other available seats, and Logan was still too upset with Janus to let him sit beside him. However, that did nothing to convince Logan's heart to stop beating like a drum. Logan had no intention of actually speaking to Patton, not for any malicious reason, but more because Logan did not believe he had enough control over his mouth to actually speak without embarrassing himself. However, Patton had other plans.

"So Logan, you're a sophomore too, right?"

"Yes." Logan answered simply.

"So do you have your license yet?"

"I do. I turned sixteen about two weeks ago."

Patton gasped. "Happy belated birthday!"

Logan smiled slightly. "Thank you, but that is unnecessary."

"Oh come on Lo, it's a big deal to turn sixteen!"

Logan smiled, he normally disliked that nickname, ever since Janus gave it to him, but when Patton said it, he felt like he had a butterfly conservatory in his stomach. "I suppose to some, yes."

"Patton," Roman's voice came from behind, causing both Logan and Patton to turn around. "Where do you think we're going?"

Patton seemed to think for a moment, losing Logan in the boy's gray eyes that were deep in thought, before answering. "I supposed the only thing this way is that hiking trail, but I thought it was closed."

"It was, after a recent meteorological event caused damage to the walking path." Logan answered.

"Jesus, just say storm." The new kid said.

"Holy shit, it speaks!" Roman gasped. "I was beginning to think that this was a Little Mermaid situation."

"It's not. You just had nothing I wanted to talk about."


"Hey now kiddo," Patton smiled, "I never got your name this morning. I'm Patton, that's Logan, Roman, Janus, Remus, and... wait, where's Emile?"

"He had to have another teacher make his detention at school since his mom wasn't comfortable with him off school grounds." Remus answered.

"Ah. Anyways, what's your name?" Patton refocused as Logan watched.

The new kid didn't seem all that into the idea of sharing, and his hands reached for a spot in front of his shirt. Logan assumed he must be used to wearing a hoodie. For a moment, Logan wondered if he was going to answer at all, but no one can avoid a Patton smile. "I'm Virgil."

Patton grinned, and Logan thought the floor might fall from beneath his feet. "Nice to meet you."

"Oi!" The driver called from the front. "We're here. Out you all get."

Patton looked away, "Yes sir!" He answered, before standing and walking out, followed by Janus, Remus, Logan, Virgil, then Roman in the rear. Logan stepped off the bus and instantly saw the hiking trail. He was immediately confused, and watched as the driver, an old teacher called Mr. Tekly, walked around the front of the bus and pointed towards the trail. "This trail needs to be cleared before we can open it back up to students, so your detention is to clear the path out. I'll be on the bus if you need me." He said before getting back in.

"This cannot be the safest option." Logan mumbled. Mr. Tekly was at least eighty, and Logan couldn't imaging in an emergency situation that the forest would present, that Mr. Tekly would be the quickest responder.

"Agreed." Roman said. "Maybe none of us go too far from one another." Then walked forwards, leading the way into the woods. The others followed closely behind.

Logan watched his step as he entered the woods behind Roman, and was instantly aware that the trees covered more sunlight than he had realized. The bushes and shrubs that covered either side of the entrance to the trail also made it much darker inside the forest than outside. Logan also noticed that this trail had not been maintained well before the storm, and Logan quickly made a mental note to watch where he walked in case they all got lost. Logan noticed that even though the path was almost nonexistent, the cover from the trees had prevented most of the trash from even getting to the forest floor. He was lost in thought that he almost missed Janus calling everyone over to look at something he had found. Logan looked behind him, and noticed that they had walked further into the woods then Logan initially thought.

"What is it Janus?" Roman asked, sneaking by Logan as he walked over to see what Janus was pointing at. He paused when he saw it. "What the fuck?"

"Language!" Patton scolded.

"Sorry, Logan, come look at this." Roman said, "maybe you know what it is."

"Of course." Logan said, before walking forward. Suddenly, the ground beneath all six of them caved away, and the teens fell into the earth.

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