Chapter 34.

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Janus actually really enjoyed the meeting. It was mainly a talk and hang out session today, which he didn’t mind. He mostly spent his time with Remus, gossiping about the other four in their new group.

“Patton and Logan?” Remus said, absently drawing in his journal.

“Definitely a couple.” Janus nodded. “Say, whatcha drawing?”

“A pretty guy I saw in class today.” Remus said.

Janus gasped. “Let me look!”

Remus only snatched the book away. “My cute guy picture, not yours!”

“And here I thought it was a picture of me!” Janus gasped, only to watch Remus turn a shade of red that Roman’s suit hadn’t managed yet. “Oh.”

Remus frowned, and his demeanor changed. “Whatever.” He went to stand but Janus stopped him.

“I mean… I’m fine with being the cute guy in your journal. If you want me to be?”

Remus only looked at him blankly. “I’m not your artist.”

“No!” Janus frowned. “I mean…” Janus put his face in his hand. “How about this Friday, you and I go out somewhere. Just the two of us.”

Remus stared for a moment before a big goofy grin spread across his face. “Sounds brilliant.”

Janus felt a similar smile spread on his own, and Remus sat back down as they talked out the details of their date. Janus wouldn’t admit it to Remus, but he was so excited that he had been able to ask out the twin. Remus had caught his eye in passing, but after this morning and seeing him handle everyone so well, Janus had felt himself linger over the thought of him more.

“What are you two talking about over here?” Patton asked, walking over.

Janus and Remus looked at each other before silently agreeing not to mention this yet. “Nothing really. Why?”

“Well, the meeting is over, so Logan and I were getting ready to message Virgil and head out to…” Patton trailed off. “Somewhere.”

“Yes, I had been trying to figure that out myself. I believe that it might behoove us more to find somewhere a bit more open, and secluded.”

“Beehive?” Remus said, looking confused. However there was a twinkle in his eye that told Janus he knew what it meant.

“It would be appropriate, and it is behoove.” Logan corrected.

“The woods?” Janus suggested, “they’re secluded.”

“And where that… um…” Patton shuddered. “I’d prefer not to go too much further past where Remus and I went this morning.”

“Huh?” Janus looked at Remus.

“Yeah, I had to go into the very beginnings of the woods to hide before I jumped back home and changed.”

“Ah.” Logan said. “Well, in any case, I believe that the woods would not be a safe place either. They are simply too close to people.”

“We live in a pretty good sized town, Lo.” Patton looked over. “Where are we gonna go that wouldn’t have people?”

“I actually have an idea.” Remus said. “I was doing some googling while in my classes, and I read about other comic book people and heroes who could teleport, and a lot of them could also like, make pocket dimensions and shi- stuff. So I was thinking we could just try that.”

“Have you tried this yet?” Logan asked, an eyebrow raised.

“Nah, I wanted to wait, since when I do my jumps, I have to think about where I’m going a bit more. I didn’t want to accidentally jump in on one of you while in class or jump home.”

“Smart.” Janus agreed. “Why don’t we try it now though? I mean, everyone’s gone and we could do it from the library so no one sees us.”

“I agree, as long as there is no harm to the books.” Logan nodded. “Let us head that direction now.”

Logan led the way, mainly because he and Patton were the only two that used the library. He opened the door and ushered them all in, before Patton led them to a secluded corner in the back section.

“I like to read back here, and no one goes over here really, since it’s boring.” Patton said, gesturing to the space around them.

“Alrighty, Remus. Do your thing.” Janus said, before stepping back and watching as Remus closed his eyes and raised a hand out in front of him. Janus reached for his phone, but remembered that it was broken. He still wasn’t sure what he was gonna tell his mom about that.

It was a few attempts before Remus actually got it, but eventually, a small green spiral began to take shape in the air, going from light to dark the farther inside you looked. At first, it was the size of a quarter.

…Then a golf ball…

…Then softball…

… Basketball…

…Beach ball…

and window until finally it was big enough to walk through. Remus kept his hand up, holding a bit of concentration to keep it open, before slowly walking in while telling the others to wait. Then the spiral closed with a pop, and Remus was nowhere for a good five minutes. Janus was just about to panic and curse him for going and dying right before their first date, when Remus poofed back into existence.

“Holy shit.”


“Sorry, Pat. Let me open it back up. This place looks awesome.” Remus said, jumping up and down slightly.

“How will we get back, if you have no anchor here?” Logan asked, a notepad and pen in his hand that Janus had never noticed him pull out.

“I can’t really explain it, but I can kinda feel where I was before I stepped into the portal, so it’s really easy to jump back.”

“Well, I already texted Virgil,” Patton said, “so he should be here pretty soon, I should wait out here for him.”

“I can wait with you.” Logan offered, a look of honest concern in his eyes.

“Nah,” Patton waved his hand. “I know you’ve been eager to do all these studies. Remus can poke his head back out in a few minutes.”

“Well…” Remus said, before lifting his hand again and opening the green spiral. “I have one more idea. Logan you hop in and text one of us, then we can text back and see if there is a signal.”

Logan nodded. “Wonderful first test, Remus.” and he walked in without a thought. Remus closed the spiral, and after a moment, Patton’s and Remus’s phones buzzed with a text. Which they responded to, Remus opened up one more time, and Logan stepped back out.

“You are correct, Remus.” Logan sounded breathless, a look of surprise on his face. “It is rather beautiful in there.”

“Thank you.” Remus beamed. “And texts work, so we can just come back and get him when he’s done.”

“Okay.” Patton said. “Let’s do this!”

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