Chapter 14.

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Roman watched as his brother simply bounced off the door with a bit of a comical wiggle before straightening himself up.

“Maybe that idea was not the most wise”

“You think?” Remus and Roman said at the same time.

Roman watched as his brother shook himself off and braced for another go, but Roman stopped him. He needed to think! Roman had five others here, all in halloween clothes good enough for Broadway, who needed to get out safely. They needed to leave before whoever was hurrying towards them got there. If brute force couldn’t work on the door, it was possible that logic could. “Logan, why don’t you take a look at that door. Maybe there is another way to open it, or a spot that would be easiest to break if hit.”

“Of course.” Logan said, walking towards the door before stopping briefly. “Will you hold this for a moment?” He asked, lifting up his axe for Roman to grab.

“Yeah.” Roman answered, and went to grab it, before it lit up slightly, then disintegrated in Logan’s hand.

“Ah. Well, nevermind then I suppose.” He muttered and turned to walk to the door. Roman listened for a moment, and noticed the footsteps sounding less like a run and more like an odd ‘tink’ noise over and over. Roman turned back to the others in the room. Patton was shifting from foot to foot anxiously, holding onto his bow with what Roman only assumed was a white knuckle grip under the gloves. Remus had moved back, and stood a bit closer to Janus than before, all the while trying to get the hang of the mace in his hands. Virgil was now closer to Patton, attempting to help him breathe while looking like he was struggling himself. Roman thought for a moment, looking between people before clapping his hands together quietly.

“Okay. Here’s the plan. Aside from Remus, can any of you fight?” Roman asked, and watched as three heads shook from side to side and Logan made an audible ‘no’ from his spot fiddling with the door. “Fuck. Okay, then I’ll go out the door first. That way we can get a good idea of what’s out there, and if we have to fight at all. Then you guys can go, and Remus will fall at the back while I take us out of here.”

“You got a map in your helmet head?” Virgil asked.

“No, but I’m sure we can figure this out.”

“I have found a weak spot.” Logan interrupted. “I believe that if Remus were to hit against this hinge of the door, it would allow the door to succumb to the effects of physics and crumble under its own weight using the theory of-”

“Thank you Logan. I’m sure you can tell us the theory later. Remus, if you please.”

Remus grunted, rolling his shoulder to loosen himself up as the ‘tink’ noises came closer, then walked over and swung his mace at the spot Logan had indicated. Sure enough, the door wobbled a bit, before its top hinge snapped and the audible sound of the lock breaking sounded before the door creaked open on its lowest hinge. Roman was right behind Remus in an instant, shoving his brother behind him as he walked out into… something.

At first, it was just really bright as Roman’s eyes readjusted. He had just assumed that they were still in the caves, but now that he was in light, he could see smooth walls and a shag carpet underfoot. Fluorescent lighting flickered down onto the halls, and Roman could see small pictures hanging from spots on the walls. Hell, if he hadn’t just been locked in one of their rooms, he wouldn’t have batted an eye at the place. It took Roman a moment to remember his situation, and the ‘tink’ sound to reenter his ears. He checked the hall once more, before sticking his head back into the darkness of the room with the others and waving them out behind him. He thought the noise coming for them was coming from his left, so Roman turned right to lead the others away from the danger. As the others came out and also adjusted to the sudden bright light, various curses and Patton’s breathless “language”’s filled Roman’s ears. He let out a soft smile. They weren’t quite safe yet, but they were well on their way to getting there.

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