First Champion.

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TW: My notes literally say tw for "Virgil being boned by fate". But surgery, and chip activation.

The Dragon Witch watched as Nathalie and the others worked, all having learned a lesson from letting the Yellow Champion hang for too long. So once the Purple Champion had been brought in, she'd demanded he be sent straight to receive his chip. Now, she was standing on the other side of observational glass, watching as they implanted the chip on her champion's neck. The Witch was almost giddy, watching as her team began to close the wound, and then wheeled her first champion into a room where he could be observed. Her representative walked in.


"Yes?" She spoke a bit more kindly. She absolutely hated the tone, but this woman had made her so much closer to her goals. The Witch needed her around.

"The chip was planted well. We will have to wait for him to wake up, but he should be yours now." The Representative handed her a small band to wear, almost like a necklace, and the Witch took it.

"This will allow for control?"

"Yes." She shifted on her feet. "Will you let him go back to his family?"

"Not yet." She said, keeping a soft smile on her lips as she motioned for them to walk towards her champion. "I want to make sure the chip is safe, then get my others. This way we don't risk injury."

"Oh. That makes sense."

The Witch nodded, before walking into the room with her champion. He was strapped down, with an IV attached to his arm. She walked closer, brushing his hair out of his face as she leaned close.

"You are going to take me home." She whispered into his ear. Her champion moved, pulling against his restraints in his sleep. She stood straight again, and moved back to stand with her representative as he began to stir.

The Witch watched him begin to mumble in his sleep, before his eyes opened and he panicked. "What the hell! Where's my dad! You lied!"

"What's he talking about?"

"An unfortunate side effect of being in a rush." The Witch explained, reaching with her hand and turning on the control band. "Calm down."

Her champion went still, laying down and staring straight at her as she spoke. She could see it in his eyes though. Fear.

"Unlock his restraints, Representative." The Witch instructed, and her representative moved, opening his wrists. The Witch watched as she also pulled out the IV. Her champion didn't move.

"Stand, Champion." She instructed, and watched as he moved his legs off the bed, and stood, using the bedside for balance as he did.

"Good. What is your name?"

Her champion didn't speak.

"Why won't he answer?" The Witch asked the Representative, doing her best to stay calm.

"The chip might not be fully functioning yet. I'd say to give it a few hours to come completely online."

The Witch nodded, satisfied with the answer. "Come, Champion, and follow me. Representative, I expect you need more blood work."

She nodded. "It would help speed up the process with the others."

"Very well, then we should go." The Witch waved her hand, gesturing for the woman to walk in front of her. She watched her champion wait, standing completely still in the hospital gown he'd been given. She would need to find him something more fighting worthy to wear. Her representative walked ahead, the Witch behind her as she watched her champion follow. His feet padded against the metal floor, and he stared straight ahead. She could see his eyes shining with fear and unshed tears, and she frowned. "Stop crying, Champion."

He stopped, and she nodded satisfactorily before walking into a more calm room. She wondered if he remembered it. The room's walls were more uneven, resembling a cave structure, and the only light was a dim fluorescent that hung overhead. The Witch instructed him to stand against a wall on the far side of the door, and had her representative chain him into place. She didn't want him hanging, for fear of the new stitches opening. Her representative took some blood while her champion stayed, his arms spread to either side.

"I have what I need." She said after a while.

"Good. I will be there in a moment." The Witch spoke, and the woman moved out of the door. As soon as she was gone, the Witch turned off her band.

Her Champion seemed to take in a big gulp of air. "What did you do to me?"

She walked forwards, grabbing his chin in her hand. "You are mine. After all this time, I finally have my champions, and the magic you stole from me."

"I didn't steal shit." He growled.

"Tell me, how does it feel? Can you see yourself following my commands?" Her champion tried to pull his head from her hand. "So you can. I wonder what you'll see when I have you retrieve the others."

He struggled against the chains harder, and she let go. "Do you think you will get out of here? Even your Yellow was luckier than you. Maybe I should let you go. I let you leave, and go collect my other champions. They'll believe you."

Her champion went still, terror in his eyes. She grinned.

"I can see it now. Maybe you will even get into the Sanctuary. You convince one at a time to come with you." She ran a finger along his arms. "Who would we start with, Champion? Maybe finish Yellow? Or take dear old Roman in for his mother?"

Her champion struggled against the chains again. She'd hit a soft spot. "Would you like Roman? I can't blame you. I can make you get him."

"Don't touch him." Her champion spat.

In an instant, her hands gripped his throat. "You don't make the orders here, little ranger. You are mine, and I will decide what to do with you."

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