Chapter 60.

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Logan looked back over at Janus. "You neglected that major detail?"

"Yes, Logan. I was kinda info-dumping. I mighta missed a few things." Janus defended himself.

"Do all of you?" Janus's mother looked at them. Logan and the others all gave small nods.

"I can show you, but I would be in your head for a moment." Logan offered.

"Show? Okay, sure." She nodded, and Logan began to gather his memories of when all six of them were together, before giving them to Janus's mother's mind. She seemed to sort through things for a moment, before looking back at Janus. "There was a good bit you missed in that info-dump, kid."

"It was my first time explaining! Give me a break." Janus muttered.

Logan turned back to Roman, who still looked pale and panicked. Virgil was rubbing his arm gently, before Roman spoke up again. "It was Mom."

"What was?" Remus asked.

"She was the one who... god, she looked so... excited... She offered to make a, a clone of Janus."

"Excuse me, there is only one Janus." The yellow ranger scoffed.

"That's what the Witch said too. Then she..." Roman paused, before looking at Virgil. Logan watched as Virgil's hand stopped comforting Roman.


"She said she wanted..." Roman put his head in his hands, and Virgil stared at Roman blankly, like he was looking through him. Logan frowned as he put the pieces together. There was a moment of silence, before Roman looked back up. "I'm so sorry, I should-"

"Shut up. I need a hug, and ignorance." Virgil demanded. "I'm gonna choose to be a kid for the night, and pretend I'm having a sleepover with my friends and you. We have junk food, right?"

"Hell yes." Remus bounced up, hurrying over to the kitchenette. Everyone was now wide awake, and Virgil gave a sigh as Roman put his arms around him. Logan did the same to Patton, who was still being very quiet. Remus came back with a massive bag of M&M's and chips, along with soda.

"Great." Virgil said, and Logan watched him scoot closer to Roman. "We have Mario Kart, and I'm sure any other game we can think of over there. Can we be fucking teenagers for a few hours?"

Logan smiled at Virgil's insistence to keep calm, even as Logan could feel the rising panic in his chest. He debated reaching out, but he could see Roman doing more than he ever could, so he reached out to Patton's mind instead.

Are you alright?

No. It could have been me, Lo. It could still be me. It's me next. Patton rambled into his mind, and Logan pulled him closer.

I will not let that happen.

You can't stop it, Lo.

Watch me. Logan said. He knew it was irrational. He could not be with Patton all day every day until the Dragon Witch was handled, but that did not stop him from believing he could.

Lo... Patton paused for a moment. Can we... He stopped, and Logan felt the emotional turmoil from his mind. Did you wanna play?

Patton, Logan said, looking down at him. I would be honored.

Logan reached out to grab a controller, and was surprised when Remus put in Mario, and the option for six players appeared. He didn't think that was completely normal, but didn't mind. He was handed a remote, and noticed it was a first generation Wii game. He grinned, unwilling to admit out loud that he had always been extremely good at the game. He watched as the six smaller screens lit up on the sides of the main one, and all showed their avatars. Logan went with the toad character, and watched as the others picked theirs. Remus was Bowser. Patton was a Koopa Troopa. Roman was Mario. Janus was Donkey Kong. Finally, Virgil was King Boo. Remus had given himself the first Wii remote, and was able to pick the races they did. They played for a while, all of them doing rather well, but Logan doing the best by far, before Remus got annoyed and teleported to Logan's remote and attempted to make Logan crash into a barrier.

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