Chapter 53.

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Janus’s mom was angry, and Janus did really understand why. She’d been moving around and stress cleaning for hours after they got back from school. Now it was almost 7:30 and she was ranting in front of him. “Honestly, Jan.” She said as she paced their apartment. “I don’t know if I want you leaving this house!”

“Mom, there’s nothing out th-”

“Janus Duplis. There is clearly something. In the past week we have had three monsters show up! We didn’t even have this problem two weeks ago!”

“But we have those po- superheroes to help us!”

“They showed up at the same time as the monsters, Janus. Who’s to say this isn’t some trick?”

“Come on mom.”

“Janus. Friday a monster almost crushed one of my jobs. Today, a monster almost killed you!”

“It didn’t almost kill me, Mom.” Janus lied.

“Then how did you get those bruises?” She gestured at Janus’s arms, where the monster had smacked Janus with its head. He’d only barely been able to defend against the hit by throwing up his arms.

“I told you. I fell down the-”

“And you fell because?”

“I was trying to get into the school.”

“To get away from that damned creature!” His mother seemed more frazzled than Janus was used to seeing her.

“Mom, so what do we do then? Not leave the apartment again?”

“Do not take that tone with me, young man.” She warned. “I am your mother. I have to be able to keep you at least partially safe.” She turned away, running a hand through her ponytail as she grabbed her phone. “Maybe I should just call your grandmother…”

“The lady who disowned you because she found out you were pregnant? What’s she gonna do?”

“Not her, Janus.” His mother looked at him. “Your father’s mother reached out to me a couple days ago. She wanted to connect after finding out she was a grandmother.”

“He never told her?” Janus frowned. He didn’t remember his dad. His mom had always said he wasn’t mature enough to be a dad, and that he’d left so that he didn’t cause them more harm than good, but Janus didn’t really believe that. This was just another thing to add to Janus’s ‘reasons why I hate my dad’ board he had going in his head.

“I guess not. He wasn’t on good terms with his mother during the time we were together, either. I don’t know. She gave me her number to call her when I could. Maybe she can help watch you.”

“You make it sound as though I’m untrustworthy.” Janus said, but his brain just laughed at the irony. Untrustworthy? He was the king. His powers began buzzing to life under his skin.

“No, Jan. Just please.” His mom looked at her phone. “I just want to help you.”

“I’m not a kid, Mom.” Janus said. He wanted to be a kid. He didn’t want to fight monsters. He just wanted to go on dates with his boyfriend and do dumb teenage things. He wanted to be a kid so bad it hurt. His powers responded, zapping through his veins like liquid power. He felt himself shaking. Why couldn’t he be a kid? He didn’t want these powers. The electricity inside him began to build, poking around like it was looking for a way out. He was just a fucking kid. He wanted to run to his mom and hug her, holding on for dear life. Instead, Janus grabbed his phone from the counter and walked back towards the front door. “I’m going out.”

“Like hell you are!”

“I’ll be back later.” Janus said, and was out the door before she could reach him. He slammed it behind him and took off at a run, calling Remus as he went. His phone buzzed more than normal as his powers began to short circuit.

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