Chapter 24.

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Patton was also awake, although that was because he'd woken up much colder than he normally did. Then, he noticed that he couldn't quite feel the bed under him. When he'd looked down, he saw himself floating just inches off the bed. At first, Patton figured he was already asleep, and that this was some sort of lucid dream. He'd not had one in a while, but he remembered them. So he'd gotten up and wandered around his room, watching as his feet barely avoided touching the floor.

"What an odd dream." Patton breathed aloud, hearing as his charm bracelet made soft twinkling noises like in a dream. Then his phone buzzed, and he read the time. That was what made him realize.

"I didn't think you could read in dreams." Patton looked back down at himself, and then over at his phone. It was 4 in the morning, and there was a group text from Virgil and Logan. Patton looked back down at himself, before trying to focus on landing. That only succeeded in him lifting higher. Now he could brush his fingers against his ceiling. Then he tried to think about feeling the ground, but nothing happened. It was only when Patton concentrated on feeling heavy that he felt himself drift from his ceiling and land softly on the floor.

He grabbed his phone and read the texts.

Virgil: Anyone awake?

Logan: Yes, I fear there may be an urgent situation that has come up.

Patton: Yeah, I think I gotta chat too. Something weird is happening.

Virgil: Can you sneak out? I just did, and I'm just walking around the park to calm down.

Logan: Yes, and I am currently on the way to meet him.

Janus: Wait, I just woke up, what's going on?

Patton: We didn't mean to wake you, sorry!!

Janus: Its fine, but whats up?

Logan: It's* and what's*.

Logan: It is a bit complicated, but fear there may be some side effects to our current predicament besides our new accessories.

Patton: I'm on my way to the park now.

Patton tossed his phone on the bed. He recognized that if he thought about feeling heavy, he landed. So the opposite must be true too. He thought about feeling weightless. Sure enough, he watched his toes lift off the ground and wiggle in the air. Then Patton floated over to his dresser, changed, left his parents' a note saying he'd had to leave early, and opened his window, grabbing his phone as he did.

Patton looked down at the story below him. His room was above his parents', hence the floating towards his dresser, but he'd only just figured out that he could do this. He wasn't even sure he could do it outside. Patton paused for a moment, practicing his landings and lifts, before taking a deep breath and climbing out the window. His body hung suspended in the air as he closed his window behind him, then turned to go towards the park. His cardigan, which was normally tied around his shoulders, was instead on the correct way to keep Patton warm as the wind rushed past his face.

Once he got past his initial panic, Patton began to enjoy the feelings of weightlessness and flight. He did loops in the air, feeling as the wind ran through his hair like comforting fingers and brushed across his face. He went upside down, feeling the thrill of gravity losing its grip on Patton as he flew in between, above, and around buildings. Patton focused on going slower, so he could enjoy it just a bit longer, and flew in a way that let him watch the city below him. He could see lights from apartments, and movement from offices just waking up for the day ahead. He saw people trying to get in a morning jog, or others trying to squeeze their way through the morning traffic. Patton saw cars running in their lots to warm up before their drivers got in, and coffee joints that were making their first batches of coffee for the day. Ahead, He could even see his school, and was slightly weirded out by the lack of lights and people.

When he saw the park coming up, he was a bit bummed at the prospect. However, he still thought about getting slowly heavier, and watched as he began to drop towards a bit of brush off to the side. He waited until he was completely on the ground and even took a moment to think about his feet being attached to the ground before he walked out into the open. Patton saw Logan first, sitting on a park bench next to someone who Patton figured was Virgil, and began to walk his way over. He could almost feel the pull of his body to float again, almost like the wind was begging to run through his hair, and he hoped he didn't look as odd as he felt as he forced his feet to touch the ground again with every step.

As Patton approached, he saw Janus jogging towards them too, and Patton waved his hand. "Heyo!"

"Hello Patton." Logan said, seeming a bit disheveled as he waved softly back. Patton thought the look was kinda cute. "You made it much faster than I-" Logan's eyes widened slightly. "You flew?"

Patton took a step back. "Did you see me? I thought I was so good!"

Logan moved his glasses to rub his temple, "No. I- Please forgive me, I cannot control it at this moment."

Virgil piped up. "He can read minds. Anyone who is close by, but it looks like he can sense ours better, considering how he felt what I was feeling earlier."

Logan put a hand in front of his head. He looked like he was hearing a thousand voices at once, but Patton supposed he probably was. "It's okay. Are you okay, Virgil?"

"I made my spilled water climb back into its cup and was able to stand in my shower and be completely dry. So not really."

Patton jumped a little, but his feet didn't quite come back down. Then he felt a hand tug him down from behind.

"Jesus, you weren't joking when you said 'urgent situation', were you?" Janus said from behind Patton.

Patton spun around, with both feet on the ground this time. "Doesn't look like it. Anything happen to you?"

"Yeah," Virgil spoke up. "Your texts were weird."

"What texts?" Patton asked, before checking his phone and seeing texts from Janus that were solely "#%#!#&%$#*(&"'s

"It seems he woke up and after reading our messages, short circuited his own phone by looking at it." Logan answered, his face still hidden behind his hands.

"No Lo, that's not creepy at all. I totally wanted someone else to hear my thoughts before I said them and tell my story for me."

Logan's face shot up again. "Shit." He took off his glasses, and rubbed his eyes. "My apologies, Janus. I can't control it right now."

"No,"Janus sighed. "I shouldn't have snapped. Sorry."

"Has anyone heard from the demon twins yet?" Virgil asked with his face locked on his phone screen waiting for a text.

As if on cue, Remus's caller id popped up on Patton's phone, along with his ringtone "Happy happy happy happy ha-ppy!"

Patton answered and put the phone to his ear. "Hello?"

"Patton? Roman won't answer his phone and I don't know where I am!"

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