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Błażej was already returning to the warehouse, when Makary stood for a moment, embarrassed in the middle of the alley, watched for a moment by the first's friends. They returned to their duties, however, abashed by the furious gaze of the tall man's older brother. Makary did not want to say what had happened, but he only wanted to disappear and walked quickly towards the cash register. He also decided silently that his foot would not stay here anymore.

Błażej did not associate the client with the stranger he met that day in the mall. He was completely absorbed in his work, then for a while, he was tormented by remorse that he might not be too rude to this man, but it quickly passed. He had a lot of other things to worry about than one of the many clients he had probably picked up on somehow.

However, for Makary, this meeting could not have been so easily out of my mind. Nemo noticed it the same day after he returned home. The parrot watched as its master was unable to sleep at night and generally walked around terribly depressed. The bird pet did not fully know what caused this behavior, but he tried to support his human.

Although the situation in which the men found themselves in the shop space was actually nothing special and neither of them should care too much about it, Makary associated it with shame. It seemed to him that he was too flabbergasted, and as he was in his habit, he thought too much about one thing. And when his head was overwhelmed by too much thought, he usually did a thorough cleaning. He used the same strategy for each upcoming exam session, as well as most of his friends from the university.

Makary's attention was caught by the cloak hanging at the entrance. It was way too warm to wear it, so he decided to take it to the laundry that Mirek had recommended him recently. The already clean outer clothes could easily wait in the wardrobe for the next winter. His mother always chased her sons to check their pockets before putting anything in the laundry basket. Fed up with taking coins out of the filters, wet receipts, or dissolved handkerchiefs, leaving little white pellets on clothes. The man, remembering this, first reached into his left pocket, from which he took out a few crumpled receipts. As he held the cloak, he already had the feeling that the right side was heavy, and he couldn't remember why that might have happened.

He was surprised when he pulled out of the other pocket a mascot that looked nothing like any particular animal. It had some cat and some dinosaur features. Makary was sure that it was rather not a purchase but the result of hard, manual work. He forgot his coat immediately, sat down at the table, and set the toy in front of him. He stared at it for a long moment, trying to extract from his mind the slightest hint of how he might come into possession of it. Nemo, interested in the new object, poked the mysterious creature with his beak. The parrot chirped, demanding an explanation of what it is and why you are devoting so much attention to it. He jumped in terror when Makary jumped up suddenly, cursing something under his breath.

The man wandered around the apartment for a moment, then sat down again and stared at the mascot. I can't leave it like that, I should give it back, but why does it have to be about that loser?! He put his head down on the table and started tapping it lightly, each time asking himself why. Nemo watched his master worriedly, who looked at him.

"What should I do?"

How should I know that, I'm just a parrot
, thought the resentful bird. I don't even know what your problem is. Frustrated, Nemo returned to the cage and his food, nervous that too much was expected of him.

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