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In the meantime, Błażej said that it was best to strike the iron while it was still hot and immediately explain the situation. Carrying a plate of toast in one hand, he swung the door open with the other. Krystian was throwing things out of the suitcase in frustration and did not turn toward his friend.

"Get lost," he muttered dryly. "Don't disturb each other on a romantic morning."

"Makary has already left," said Błażej and pushed a plate of food under his friend's nose. "Eat."

"It's not for me," Krystian tried to fight hunger, which he had been feeling for several hours.

"I know you're hungry. eat. All I got was an order not to waste it." The first year sounded firmer and finally got his friend to eat. He sat on the bed and said, "Look, I'm sorry. I didn't know I had neglected our friendship so much. It's my fault."

"Of course you did, you always refused me."

"I know," Błażej grumbled. "I feel bad about it. I didn't know I was hurting you so much."

"I guess we both assumed wrongly that my departure wouldn't change anything. We need to work on that." Krystian smiled sadly, taking another portion of food.

"From now on, at least one evening, only for us," Błażej announced suddenly. "It'll be just like before, you'll see!"

"Once every two weeks is enough. I don't want to take you away from your boyfriend too much."

"We're not together!" Błażej denied, blushing.

"I know it's only a matter of time. Maybe I'll find someone soon too and I won't have time for you."

"I can't wait to meet a woman crazy enough to put up with you," the first year laughed.

"You'll see, there's already one on the horizon," Krystian jumped up and started to shake his fist at his friend. "We'll go on a double date once, and then you'll wish you hadn't doubted it. Now get lost, I need to take a nap. Besides, you probably have a lot of catching up to do, since you've been busy with other things all week."

Błażej got up and started walking towards the door. Before closing the door behind him, he looked at his friend, who was thinking hard about the message. He smiled and wondered for a moment where he could have met her.

"We were holding hands," the brown-haired confessed in a serious tone, and his friend looked at him expectantly. "It was a very nice feeling."

"I see you're happy. I'll apologize to him later," Krystian grumbled, dissatisfied with having to admit his mistake.

"I will be grateful."

"Just get me something to eat once in a while, too." Krystian focused back on the phone.

"I'll see what I can do if you tell me her name?"


"Her." Błażej pointed to the phone. "You write first, think later. Conversely, you're only able to do it for a girl."

"Sylwia," Krystian whispered and threw a pillow at Błażej. "Now really get lost, you were supposed to be apologizing to me, not conducting an interrogation."

Błażej dodged the blow by closing the door to the room and smiling under his breath. Krystian was right that he had a lot of catching up to do, but he didn't want to overwork himself immediately after recovering from a severe cold. But he sat down at his desk and opened the book. However, he couldn't concentrate, so he started crocheting, when he stretched a bit he noticed crossword puzzles on the table. A strange sense of loneliness and ... longing hit him, and he wondered about it himself.

He wanted Makary to be next to him, to hold his hand again, he wanted to feel the warmth that appeared when he did it again. He realized how much peace it gave him and that he just wanted more. He reached for his phone and searched for a while for suitable gif expressing his longing for hazel-eyed. Makary thought the same, and almost simultaneously they exchanged messages containing a short "I miss you."

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