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Błażej knew that Grażyna was just waiting to attack him with a series of questions and play detective, extracting details of the events from the suspect. This time, however, it was about his date. Offering to make coffee for them both would delay it just a few moments. He yawned, drinking in the caffeine goodness and it occurred to him that maybe it would be better to go to sleep after all. Makary also looked sleepy while preparing breakfast, but it didn't seem to bother him. Błażej was stirring his coffee when he asked him if he would have any problems at work because of it.

"I'll be fine," the hazel-eyed man replied cheerfully. "Besides, the reasons for staying up so late are only pleasure, don't you think? I have absolutely nothing against it."

The causes that Makary talked about and the numerous evidence on the bodies of both of them were mainly kisses. Błażej blushed at the very thought and begged his co-worker not to decide to look into the break room. However, he heard that she was talking to a regular customer, an older lady whom he recognized by her voice, and he knew that he had gained a few minutes to try to hide the embarrassment that was so visible on his cheeks.

However, he couldn't stop his mind from returning to what had happened during the night. He knew he should focus on his work, but he couldn't when he could still feel every place the hazel-eyed man's lips had touched on his skin. And each time it brought unrelenting excitement and burning pleasure. He didn't even know when he had the courage to slip his hand under Makary's shirt, which only made him chuckle. He turned away in confusion but didn't withdraw his hands.

"You really can be greedy," the hazel-eyed man whispered and took off his upper clothes.

Then the treacherous moon peeked out from behind the clouds and illuminated his figure. So how could he resist it and not feel the warm skin and delicately defined muscles under his fingertips? Don't stop your hand to feel the rhythm of your frantically beating heart. Don't try to discover everything without rushing and remember every detail. He wondered how he could feel so much curiosity and shame at the same time.

However, he was afraid that Makary would expect the same from him, knowing that no one would be able to admire his appearance. The hazel-eyed wanted this, but Błażej's comfort was more important to him, so he knew he had to wait until he was ready for it. He also knew that in the meantime, he had to remind him often of how he loved him.

"Your greed is as charming as your innocence, so I hope you won't lose either one too soon," he whispered in Błażej's ear. "We should..."

Then Grażyna's voice brought him back to reality and asked him to go to the cash register. She was still being talked to by the old lady. He quickly dealt with the small purchases of two customers and finally brought coffee for himself and his friend.

"Maybe try putting your head in the fridge," suggested the co-worker, looking at him inquisitively. "I don't think I need to ask if the date was a success, although I would like to know some details."

"I'd rather keep them to myself..." replied Błażej.

"Of course." Grażyna walked up to him and put up the collar of his shirt. "Next time, just work a little more on hiding your hickeys." She winked at him and took a sip of coffee.

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