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The boys looked at each other once again, this time with anger, not heartfelt surprise.

"What did you call my uncle?!" they accused each other.

Błażej and Makary immediately jumped into action, pulling the boys as far away from each other as possible, fortunately, their lockers were separated by some distance. The men tried to hide the confusion caused by the outburst of innocent children. They both hoped the boys would get dressed quickly and be able to disappear as soon as possible. Tymek and Antek were throwing furious glances at each other, changing shoes, putting on a jacket, and the rest of the protective winter clothing. They stood up simultaneously ready to go, but before that happened they pointed their fingers at each other.

"We're not friends anymore," they burst out simultaneously and started dragging their uncles towards the exit.

Błażej and Makary looked at each other, trying not to laugh, seeing this little children's drama. They knew the names of their charges' best friends, but none of them had thought to connect them. The boys had avoided the sermon for the time being, but they knew they would probably get hit for it in some way, so they stayed silent on the way home. After leaving the kindergarten, Błażej called Monika, hoping that he would not interrupt her meeting. She answered after the third ring.

"Something happened?" she asked scared.

"No. Am I interrupting?"

"No, we just ordered food," she replied with relief. "However, I have some suspicions that Przemek booked a table much earlier, but he pretends that he didn't do it at all and we were lucky to find a seat. Yeah, at a good restaurant on Valentine's Day. Anyway, do you need me to come back sooner?"

"No, I wanted to make sure you don't mind if I take Tymek to my place first to pick up some things."

"No, of course not," replied surprised Monika. "Will you spend the night with us?"

"Possibly at Makary's," Błażej replied in a whisper and felt Tymek squeeze his hand tighter. "Krystian probably will also be happy with this, since he invited a girl to our place."

"And I don't know any details? How could you not clue me in?" the woman was outraged. "Speak!"



"You forgot that someone is waiting for you. Go back to Przemek."

"I know," Monika replied. "It's nice, but it's kind of weird."

"Try to have fun anyway. We'll talk when you come back," Błażej consoled her and said goodbye to her.

Tymek was silent and did not want to talk to his uncle. His guardian sensed this and did not want to force him to do so. Usually, the boy liked to ride the trams, but that day he did not enjoy it. He perked up a bit when they reached Błażej's apartment and saw a stranger there. Krystian was preparing something for his date in the room and came when he heard someone come in. He stared at Tymek for a long moment.

"You look like your mother," he said finally. "A small copy of her."

"Do you know my mom?"

"Of course, we're friends, but we have to catch up a bit. But if you want, you can also treat me like an uncle," Krystian replied with a smile.

"Cool," the boy muttered and watched sadly as his uncle packed a few things into his backpack. Błażej warned his roommate in the message what they were coming for.

"Oh, what's with the sad face?"

"I don't want my uncle to meet the toy thief again," Tymek replied in a whisper.

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