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Before they went to sleep, Błażej was still looking through the phone with a focused face, which interested Makary lying next to him. Hazel-eyed looked over his shoulder, trying to understand what he was looking at.

"What are you watching?" he asked, finally giving up, but not taking his eyes off the screen. He had a feeling it would come in handy.

"I have to tidy up the yarns," Błażej sighed heavily. "I am looking for inspiration on how to make it make sense and with relative aesthetics."

Makary followed the gaze of his beloved, who rested on a row of cardboard boxes. It occurred to him that this was the only thing that seemed disordered around Błazej. He smiled because it was so unlike him.

"Did something make you do it?" he asked genuinely interested.

"My friends from university keep asking me for something new and they want to pay me for it. I didn't want to agree, but they were stubborn, so I want to know how much material I have and what I can possibly offer them," replied Błażej.

"I'm not surprised at all." Makary grabbed his beloved's hand. "The things you do are really lovely, I'm glad they appreciate it too and want to pay you for the work you put into it."

"Do you really think so?"

Błażej suddenly turned towards him, which surprised him a little. But he saw anticipation in the first year's face and smiled at him.

"I tell you that every time you show me how you've finished working on something," said Makary, surprised by the reaction of his beloved.

This had somewhat the opposite effect of what was intended. Błażej suddenly realized that it might be tiring for someone else, but he couldn't shake the need to be appreciated and praised, especially by him. He decided to change the subject, so he got up to turn off the light. Makary was worried by his slightly sad face, his beloved one didn't give his hand like the last time they slept together, but turned sideways.

"But I'll tell you as many times as you need," he whispered in his ear.

Hazel-eyed was not going to give up, he lay down on his back and waited for Błażej to finally slip his hand into his. The first year fidgeted and muttered something under his breath about making him blush again. They lay in silence for a while, Makary began to worry a bit, he thought that one problem was solved, but he was not aware of what else Błażej was thinking about.

"Makary..." the first year finally spoke, not knowing how to formulate the question.

"What is it about?" He wanted to ask him to turn to face him, but he suspected the matter was so serious that she felt safer not looking at him.

"When I told Grażyna that you were waiting for me, she assumed that you were my boyfriend and I don't know how I feel about it. I just wanted to tell you about it," Błażej replied, pulling the quilt up to his neck and trying to curl up.

"Did you feel offended by that?" asked Makary worriedly.

"No, of course not," Błażej answered quickly. "It's just...

"Anyway, that's what it looks like. It is true that I forced romantic exclusive meetings on you, but to many from the outside point of view, it may look like we are a couple. I don't mind it, but I don't need any declarations since I know there's something between us." Makary tried to choose his words carefully. "I promised I'd wait and I'm not going to break my word."

"Don't you think I'm weird?" Błażej finally turned to the other side.

"No, after what happened, I understand that you don't want to be hurt again and that you protect yourself from it in some way."

"A relationship is a serious and binding step."

"I know and understand why it is so important for you to get involved honestly," Makary said calmly, trying to read the expression on Błażej's face in the darkness. "Maybe I should have told you sooner, but you don't always have to give one hundred percent, half of the responsibility of the relationship goes to me, and sometimes half of it is enough. And on days when you're tired, angry, or sick, you don't even have to give ten percent. At other times it will be two hundred percent." He put his hand on his cheek and felt it wet with tears. "No matter how much it is, I will love you more and more each day and try to do my best myself."

Błażej was still trying to hide that he was crying, but it didn't help much. Makary felt that this was the right moment and pulled his beloved to him, closing him in a hug. He didn't mind the tears soaking into his shirt, he knew he had to give him time to calm down, and he was glad to let him find solace in his own arms.

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